LAETHORA Completes Recording Second Album -

Yep, things are finally moving forward, and the album can now be pre-ordered here:

Just as last time, there's a special CD/shirt bundle, with the shirt design being exclusive to this package.

Another new track, "A.S.K.E.", is streaming at our MySpace page:

So: Get your support-the-band hats on and book your copies now. :)


Ordered, master Sundin.
Yeah, me too. I also download, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I was just making a "March of the Parasite" joke.

Maybe you should tell Laethora not to generalize so much about our species. Or not, they're probably right.
I did it! I actually had some spare cash (after ordering three versions of WAtV and a very-expensive-one of Universal, who has any money left?), so I ordered the new album throught the Omega. And, with the shirt! :rock: I still like the old shirt more because the drawing is, from my perspective, much funnier. Hence, if anyone is selling the oldshirt I'd gladly buy it.

Hi all!

Wow that's fast shipping, exactly one week after I order it, and it's here. Pretty fast when you take into account the package goes to Miami and then to C.R., then delivered to me.

The shirt is really nice! I was expecting the cover (I know, just see the pic a few posts before), but I actually like it more with the 'alternative' design.

Laethora: A.S.K.E.

The album seems much more consistent, the band with more confidence and I see some willingness to experiment a bit. More comments later.
