Lamb of God show last night....another un-tight performance by Chris


Mar 30, 2005
The show was great. It was also Randy's birthday.
Last song was Black Label and Randy jump on the crowd surfing a little.....awesome frontman.
The only thing that didn't work were Chris feet. Holy shit he continue to play so un-tight... lot of mistakes during the show.
It seems actually he doesn't know how to play.... I saw them 5 years ago and they slayed. I've seen them in July and Yesterday...but Chris is not good at all.
He also accellerate and decellerate al lot during the same song...c'mon, he plays every fucking night, every fucking month, since when? 6-7 years ago?
A friend of mine said me lot of people go away during the show because they are so pissed off about the performance..... (but probably because they were there for August Burn Red and Job For A Cowboy).

Between the Buried and Me did a very good show, tight and great sounding.
August Burn Red, the drums had the gates setted very bad. I heard only 10 snare hits in the whole show and only the hard ones. Toms and Snare were pratically muted.
Job For A Cowboy, bad snare sound but pretty tight playing of the band. The singer is pretty ridicolous when he scream.
Lots of people have said that LOG aren't very tight live and shit, and on Sacrament the bass tracks were all edited so much, which is just fucking crazy for a band that should be able to play tight :D
Anyway, I think it's a fucking live show.....I don't say it's a shitty show if there isn't the extreme tightness and precision. I only say that Chris should play better, considering how many shows he plays
A dude I know said he listened to the multritracks and said the drums are definitely programmed, and the bass sounds programmed but it´s probably edited to hell.

The crappy thing is that many people say they used to be super tight in the ashes of the wake era, I guess success and editing all their performances in the record have taken it´s toll on them
That show is coming around here for the HoM festival, I wasn't planning on catching LoG at all (or any of them for that matter) but if they slop it up it might be good fun. I always had them figured for a "tight-as-shit" kind of band.
I saw them 2006... They were fucking huge! No tightness problems.
I discovered the Drummer-suddenly-can´t-play-with-his-feet-properly-phenomena a few times, though. I saw Caliban and Heaven Shall Burn at a open air in germany and the drummers of both bands delivered a HORRID performance! It was really really bad. But I saw both bands 2 or 3 times before that festival and there was no problem at all. Strange.
There can be several factors to this... Maybe the pedals aren't set up well enough at that moment, maybe there wasn't enough time to set them up, maybe there's problems with the triggers, triggering etc. or maybe the drummer is just having a bad day. Drummers get a lot of those if they don't have time to actually train themselves. It's one of those days when you just fucking suck and there's nothing you can do about it :p anyone who plays an instrument probably knows what I'm talking about (vast majority of us)

Anyway, you'd THINK a band like LoG would really TAKE the time to fix things up properly before a show, so I don't really know what it's about. I'd imagine it has something to do with the amount of editing that takes place in the process of making an album, you'd think a drummer who's practical dayjob is to play in that band, would train like shit...
Ive seen LoG about.. 12 - 15 times... ?
Festivals, large venues, small venues - so different environments.
I've also done a couple shows with them crewing.

Firstly, the drums are already set up on two steel risers with everything screwed into them. No excuses about setup being wrong, I'm afraid!
Trigger problems aren't really there since they sound check (in venues) for 2 hours. They also use 91's and B52s on the kicks. (for some reason)

Chris was awesome for the first 8 times, and then since 2008 they've went downhill in performance. It's a shame, but it's the truth. I saw them every time they came to the UK from 2003 until 2008 pretty much, and since 2008 I've seen them twice; a good reflection of how I feel about their show now.
ive seen LOG a few times and performance has varied, from super sick tight as hell to just an okay performance of the songs. I wouldnt be surprised if they werent just absolutely burnt out and worn through from the amount of shit they do.

just tired, maybe? we all have our off days, but not all of us have tours to strive through
i'm not much surprised, TBH...seems like these dudes have been on cruise control ever since they began work on sacrament. the last 2 albums, and the associated tours, don't really have that feeling as though they're putting their all into it anymore.