Lamentations DVD


New Metal Member
Feb 20, 2004
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but i'm looking for Lamentations in digipak, AND PAL..
Does anyone know if this exists?
I'm lead to believe there's a region 0 one, but it's NTSC..
Any information would help, thanks! :)

p.s: Congrats to Dungeon for the support gig!!
Well.. yeh! :)
I don't know if they're all officially licensed "Digi-Pak" but Amelie R1, Fight Club special edition, NIN - All that could have been, A.I:R4, and just about any bootleg anime is digipak style! :)
Ah, I think I know what kind of packaging you're talking about now...but I don't think they made one for Lamentations.

I could be wrong though.

I thought region 0 meant it could play anywhere, whether NTSC or PAL.
I have mine on hold at work, because it doesn't come out until Tuesday in the US and yes, it is a Digi pak. Region 0 does mean that it can be played in any DVD player world wide. Oh and the DVD is only $10 before my discount.
when i play my pal dvd on my hacked ntsc dvd player it's annoying cos i can't actually see what i'm doing on the menu screen. the menu comes up but i have to press random buttons and hope that i'm clicking on the right thing. it's pretty funny but gets frustrating when you can't get to the actual concert.