LANCE KING - No Longer Singing With PYRAMAZE


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Due to irreconcilable differences, Lance King will no longer be singing with PYRAMAZE.

Quote from Lance....
"I would like to thank the PYRAMAZE guys for many wonderful memories, I'm very proud of the
music we created together! I wish each and every member of the band success in their careers and personal lives, as well as their search for a new vocalist. I look forward to hearing their new music."

Lance has several projects that he is working on at present to be on the lookout for:

-A New album from "AVIAN" that Lance will be singing on and producing.

-Lance will be guesting a vocal apperance, splitting vocals with a female opera singer on a new debut release from a new rising prog star named "SALINOCH". Being developed by SHK Records
( Switzerland )

-Lance has agreed to lend his voice and writing talents to a new Progressive-Shred project called
"SECRET SOCIETY OF STARFISH" comprised of two members of DIMENSION X (Bass and Drums) and shredder TROY STETINA on guitar and a mystery 5th arm of the fish, a well know rock star
axe player.

- Look out for other recent releases that Lance has sung on.....
"SHINING STAR - Enter Eternity" & "AVIAN - From the Depths of Time"

- Lance will continue to work daily on building his record company Nightmare Records,
bringing the world great progressive / Power metal music from other great bands.

I guess those who saw them at PPVII were lucky :Smug:. Actually they didn't impressed me enough, I still have their albums as MP3s with low probability of acquiring them.
Yeah, that has been all the talk the last few days at the ProgPower USA forum.

I loved both albums and am disappointed about this. They were one of my fav new bands. :cry:
This is disappointing, even though Lance seemed more like a session singer than an integral part of the band...

I also miss some more fresh ideas on the new album. Still a great Danish band!