Language questions


Metal n00b
Apr 9, 2008
Paris, France
You certainly noticed that my english lacks some vocabulary - Sorry about that.

I was wondering... what does "Moonlapse vertigo" mean? I didn't find any answer, neither on the forum, nor on the web.

Also, I try to understand what Mike says in The Roundhouse Tapes, juste before playing The night and the silent water, about bringing a ????? (loot?) in the studio.

Needless to say I fucking need to know, as I'm a huge hardcore groupie.
To answer your second question, I think it's the name of a guitar brand or something like that. However I'm not sure :D

Edit: too late
^^ tuned-down, and well a lute is probably hard to combine with (death metal), maybe not really necessary and could be viewed as just trying to look clever by using instruments like that.
To answer your first question 'Moonlapse' doesn't mean anything really, it's just a word Mike made up, and 'Vertigo' is a type of dizziness that a person feels even though they are on firm ground, it tends to happen most often when they're high-up, like on the top of a tall building. All in all though, the title 'Moonlapse Vertigo' doesn't mean anything it just sounds cool.
To answer your first question 'Moonlapse' doesn't mean anything really, it's just a word Mike made up, and 'Vertigo' is a type of dizziness that a person feels even though they are on firm ground, it tends to happen most often when they're high-up, like on the top of a tall building. All in all though, the title 'Moonlapse Vertigo' doesn't mean anything it just sounds cool.

I love it actually. I wondered if moonlapse had a meaning, I was thinking about something like "eclipse"...
When I first heard the word I looked it up but unfortunately it doesn't have a meaning. It should though, it's a great sounding word.