Lars Ulric on new Metallica album - Fuck Yeah!


Children of Flames

and a lot of songs north of seven, eight minutes

On the forthcoming METALLICA album, "St. Anger":

"I don't like the word 'going back', because I don't like it to get nostalgic. I think we still have enough vitality and relevance… It's not about going back, it's about moving forward, but we're moving forward with a lot of elements of earlier stuff with us. It's almost like… We've done a lot of, what I call 'musical exploration' in the last few years, and I think that by continuing to find something to kind of be excited about, that path took us almost, like, in a circle. So now we're sort of having a lot of fun with playing some really, really fast stuff again. And when I say 'fast,' I mean, like, fast fast. And really aggressive, aggro, a lot of the old starts and stops, and the serious, dynamic changes, and a lot of songs north of seven, eight minutes. So it's not about 'Hey, we're going back, dude,' but it's more about, like… My analogy, which I'm actually getting sick of hearing myself say, is that… It's sort of like that old pair of shoes over in the closet that you haven't worn for a couple of years, but you put those shoes on again, and they just feel really damn good to have on again, and you kind of, when you put them back on, you sort of say, 'Why didn't I put them on earlier?' But you realize that you have to wear all those other pairs of shoes in order to feel comfortable in that pair of shoes again. Playing, like, super-fast is sort of like… We've done 'Battery', we've done 'Damage [Inc.]', we've done 'Blackened'… Maybe there isn't anything else to offer… But 10 years later, it sure seems like there's a lot more to offer in that direction. And basically, the new album is about 70 minutes of that. [laughs] It's not like there's three or four songs and then a couple of ballads. It's basically around 11… somewhere between 10 and 12 songs of just complete aggro, out-of-control earspank, as we call it."

An album full of Damge, INC and Battery songs?
I for sure can't wait till 10th of June
It's not about going back, it's about moving forward, but we're moving forward with a lot of elements of earlier stuff with us.

wow, this is such a new approach to things... moving forward... but keeping elements of the earlier stuff! i mean, wow. how many other bands have ever even thought of something like that?
perhaps a hundred billion? :rolleyes:

So it's not about 'Hey, we're going back, dude,' but it's more about, like…

about, like, hey, now that we have fully exploited that other sector of the market why don't we try to squeeze money out of metallers again?

It's basically around 11… somewhere between 10 and 12 songs

now i can't wait to know whether there are exactly 11 aggressive songs on their new record, or just 10. or maybe... :yow: there's gonna be 12!

-- disclaimer: i'm not against metallica. maybe the new album will be good or even very good. i just think they say a lot of cliched rock-stars things that might have absolutely nothing to do with their past, present or future music --

What is more shamefull, that he has been proving he is a worthless human being and a crappy musician for over 20 years now, or that he is filthy fucking rich ( that really should speak about the fucked up musical taste of americans, a shamefull evidence of they decay ( if you are not convinced with the metalllica example, turn on mtv and watch the complex lyrics of April whateverthefuck ))
i believe if metallica just quite it now, they wont be able to leave with a worse reputation...lets face it, they cant play jack.

...i dont understand how people like most of us here can listen to such good music (Opeth, AE whatever...) and even consider listening to the crap lars and his gang of losArs throw up at us...
I don't consider buying the new album.
I only have one one metallica album and it's master of puppets
I hate how James sings,I hate how Lars "plays" but I love how Cliff played
Load and Reload had songs over 7-8 minutes, were they worth getting excited about?

You also forgot to include the part of that interview where Lars said he asked Eminem to be on the Summer Sanitarium tour.

Face it, their career is dead.
Izzy Junior said:
Load and Reload had songs over 7-8 minutes, were they worth getting excited about?

EXACTLY! Great point.

Ironically, Metallica was the "Opeth" of the 80s. Seriously. I remember vividly how anxious the entire metal community was prior to the releases of "puppets" & "justice". Back then, they were the "bluest flame of metal".

Good godlessness, I hope that in 10 years Opeth doesn't suck as bad as Lar$, Jame$ & Metallica do now. :yuk:
That shoes analogy was deep... he should, like, TOTALLY be a philosopher or something.

I thought "earspank" was kinda funny though.
this is Metallica's attempt to get more money of the metal community
saying the album will be fast and old school,so we go and buy it and realize it's the same crap,but they have our money already
LOL, many of you guys need to lighten up. Don't be such a stuck up. I've heard some material from the new album and it sounds killer! I'm pretty sure many of you will be shocked over how good the new material is when you hear it.
I don't see anyone of you talking crap about Damnation. Exactly how metal is that album?
(I love it by the way).

Thank you all for sharing my enthusiasm! ;)
Children of Flames said:
I don't see anyone of you talking crap about Damnation. Exactly how metal is that album?

usually i don't like opeth, and i haven't heard damnation yet.
but i'm sure opeth, like most bands in their circuit and league, are way less rethoric and winking at the mainstream when they describe their new work, mainly because they know they're speaking mostly to fans with a high awareness level when it comes to music and how the creative process works. there are very few "casual listeners", so bands like opeth will say "we've done this and that" and you're likely to hear this and that when you buy the album.
when bands with hosts of accidental customers are asked to send a message to the masses they're basically always spouting the same lines that mean nothing except what they think the public wants to hear.
and again, this is not a critic to the quality of new metallica material i haven't even heard: it's a critic to trusting tedious commercials badly disguised as personal comments. :)

Metallica started losing when the black album came out. ...And Justice For All is their best and last good (IMO) album.

Also, Lars is a pretty crappy drummer...