Ulrich on the new Metallica: "70 min. of fast complete aggro"

Soul_Schizm said:
I'll try to be as nice as I can, because I respect everyone's opinions and understand that everyone has a very different perspective on music. And that's the way it should be.

But seriously, how can you possibly say that no matter what kind of shit Metallica perpetrates on the public, you will still just buy it and take it up the ass again & again? What kind of an attitude is that?

I think the truth is probably closer to this: You really don't like the heavier, faster stuff anyway. Which is fine. But for those of us who knew & loved the real Metallica--the new stuff is cotton-candy & worthless.

I don't care what band it is: I make my own decisions which albums to buy, and NO BAND is above the scrutiny of their fan base. NO BAND.


Very well put! I agree to the letter!
Kerrang: METALLICA's 'St. Anger' Is Band's Finest Effort To Date - Mar. 19, 2003
METALLICA's forthcoming effort, "St. Anger", is nothing short of "the finest thing [the band] have put their name to," according to the latest issue of Britain's Kerrang! magazine, which recently had an opportunity to preview a couple of the cuts set to appear on the CD. "The volume is intoxicating, the songs even more so," the report continues. "METALLICA haven't gone backwards, they have gone elsewhere, somewhere they haven't really gone before. Much of the speed is back — speed that recalls the days of 'Battery' and 'Dyers Eve'. But the format is remarkedly different. This isn't controlled aggression, much of it is uncontrolled violence. It's ironic that at a time when the band are so at peace with one another they should make an album that sounds like they're at war. As one track follows the another — there are only working titles like 'Monster' and 'Frantic' — the difference not only between what you expect but what has gone becomes clear. There's no space between the drums and the guitars, there are riffs everywhere, there is anger and confusion — 'Do not know the answer, I don't know what the question is' is one lyric - there is swearing and shouting and time changes and speed and fury. It is difficult on a first listen not to surmise that 'St. Anger' is the finest thing METALLICA have put their name to. All the songs I'm assured, sound like this. There are no ballads. Instead there's an assault of speed and volume and anger and intensity. This is exactly the kind of thing that made a slogan such as 'Birth, school, METALLICA, death' an apposite and appropriate summation of everything this band could muster, both in themselves and their audience."

This is very, very hard to believe. From the description above it sounds like more of a punkish direction than a metal one.

Not sure what to think anymore ...
You guys wanna talk bout how Lars prolly can't play tha style of music anymore jus cuz of the Load and ReLoad. Well he still played Battery and fast songs on S+M, and played fast on Garage Inc. also. So i don't think he's lost his edge at all. They still have it em i think.
SymbolicDeath666 said:
You guys wanna talk bout how Lars prolly can't play tha style of music anymore jus cuz of the Load and ReLoad. Well he still played Battery and fast songs on S+M, and played fast on Garage Inc. also. So i don't think he's lost his edge at all. They still have it em i think.

Even in the glory days Metallica were a great riff machine with a drummer and lead guitarist who could only barely keep up. But somehow it still worked. Ever since, the drum lines have simplified and Lars fakes it on some of the difficult parts of the old stuff live (the new stuff has no hard parts to fake). And Hammet's decline is even more striking. He was pretty good on "Kill 'Em All" but has grown noticably worse in recent years. It's not just his wah pedal abuse (somebody should steal that damned thing). His accuracy and intonation are all over the place.

Can you say "phoning it in?"
Look, I really hope St. Anger is great. I really do. But at this point, I'll have to hear it before I believe it.

In short, whereas I might buy a CD from a band on faith because I love them, with Metallica I'll need to hear it before I decide.

I hope Kerrang! is right on. Thanks for posting the review.

That Kerrang quote does not convince me that the new Metallica album will be good either.The lyric they mention is utterly crap for one thing. As is the album name and the song titles hardly inspire confidence either. I fail to see why `swearing and shouting` is nescercarily a good thing. Sounds very much like some poor attempt to be `hard` or something here. I doubt there will be the issue based lyrics on this album which was one of the things that attracted me to the early albums.

On the first four albums they played metal because they wanted to. This time it will probably sound extremely forced and laboured as it is just what Metallica consider to be their most profitable option, trying to regain the interest of fans of the older meterial. Personally I just find it entertaining to see what Lars will come out with or do next.
I hope St. Anger is good. I really do hope Metallica have remembered what Metal is actually about.

But I won't believe a damn word until I hear the album. And even if it is good, I'm not buying it because I don't want my money going to Metallica. I'll burn a copy instead...
I will download the whole thing to see if I like it or if it is valuable. If it is I will run to the store and buy it, if not I will erase the crap out of my hard drive.
Sorry but I won't spend hard earned cash on a crap cd anymore whatever band is on it...