Lars Describes The New Metallica Album, Or Tries To...

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
On the forthcoming METALLICA album, "St. Anger":

"I don't like the word 'going back', because I don't like it to get nostalgic. I think we still have enough vitality and relevance… It's not about going back, it's about moving forward, but we're moving forward with a lot of elements of earlier stuff with us. It's almost like… We've done a lot of, what I call 'musical exploration' in the last few years, and I think that by continuing to find something to kind of be excited about, that path took us almost, like, in a circle. So now we're sort of having a lot of fun with playing some really, really fast stuff again. And when I say 'fast,' I mean, like, fast fast. And really aggressive, aggro, a lot of the old starts and stops, and the serious, dynamic changes, and a lot of songs north of seven, eight minutes. So it's not about 'Hey, we're going back, dude,' but it's more about, like… My analogy, which I'm actually getting sick of hearing myself say, is that… It's sort of like that old pair of shoes over in the closet that you haven't worn for a couple of years, but you put those shoes on again, and they just feel really damn good to have on again, and you kind of, when you put them back on, you sort of say, 'Why didn't I put them on earlier?' But you realize that you have to wear all those other pairs of shoes in order to feel comfortable in that pair of shoes again. Playing, like, super-fast is sort of like… We've done 'Battery', we've done 'Damage [Inc.]', we've done 'Blackened'… Maybe there isn't anything else to offer… But 10 years later, it sure seems like there's a lot more to offer in that direction. And basically, the new album is about 70 minutes of that. [laughs] It's not like there's three or four songs and then a couple of ballads. It's basically around 11… somewhere between 10 and 12 songs of just complete aggro, out-of-control earspank, as we call it."
No shit , Lars seems to be getting more and more annoying the older he gets. That one comment about how Fred invited him over to listen to the new Limp Dick record and Lars said quote "it's awesome" .... ????? WTF!!! ??? This is coming from LARS ULRICH ? The new "Tallica" ( as the well-educated Ulrich calls Metallica) will definately suck if he thinks that Fred Durst's new rap-metal record is "awesome". Is it just me , or does it just get worse and worse with Metallica? :yuk:
hiddenlegions said:
No shit , Lars seems to be getting more and more annoying the older he gets. That one comment about how Fred invited him over to listen to the new Limp Dick record and Lars said quote "it's awesome" .... ????? WTF!!! ??? This is coming from LARS ULRICH ? The new "Tallica" ( as the well-educated Ulrich calls Metallica) will definately suck if he thinks that Fred Durst's new rap-metal record is "awesome". Is it just me , or does it just get worse and worse with Metallica? :yuk:

I really don't think it's just you HL...I really tend to wonder why the hell Jaymz lets Lars speak for the band so much. The more Lars talks the more he appears to be a complete moron!

Hey Lars....SHUT THE F*CK UP! Mr Limp dick admirer! He probably likes the big ugly unshaven rap-rock red baseball cap wearing know....Lars may swing both ways....hmmmmmmmm......

"Tallica" <-------WTF is that?? GOD're not friggin 20 anymore....quit trying to be hip...because you're NOT!!!!!!!! Tard!!!!

I'm definitley not buying the new shit now...I'm waaaaaay too annoyed:yuk:
Dude, if you want to insult Lars, come up with something better than "He's bi/gay." That's just uninspired.

Why is everyone so annoyed by these interviews? Besides Lars's shit taste in modern music, I don't find anything offensive...I'm not accusing people, I'm just curious as to what pisses you off.
Pyrus said:
Dude, if you want to insult Lars, come up with something better than "He's bi/gay." That's just uninspired.

Why is everyone so annoyed by these interviews? Besides Lars's shit taste in modern music, I don't find anything offensive...I'm not accusing people, I'm just curious as to what pisses you off.

You can't begin to know what I'm feeling about the whole "Tallica" scenario. The fact that Lars is plugging Limp Dick and hanging out with Fred Durst is so completely contradictory of everything Metallica stood for back in the day when they were pioneering a whole new genre of kick ass music...his rambling stupidity is embarrassing and quite frankly it makes me sad that Metallica is allowing themselves to be viewed like this...they were (and still could be) better than this!

If you were there when it was happening(the Metallica movement)'d know why this is so maddening...
AND...this isn't the one that pissed me was the one about Fred Durst...this just happened to be the last Lars thread I read.......and I just went "aggro" so-to-speak
To me it is about the music. Not media hype. As I have stated on this board in the past I'm no admirer of the dane. Have you ever noticed how small his mouth is? LOL I will be buying it come hell or high water. It HAS to be added to the collection.