Dragonforce! What's the big deal?

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I still think that they are writng the lyrics the way they write them as a joke on purpose. There is a little bit of a Metal mockery thing going on with them..it's pretty clear. But that's just how I'm reading the lyrics.

Speed/Power Metal Spinal Tap???

Then again wouldn't a lot of Judas Priest lyrics fall into that category a lot of times? (Don't get me wrong, Priest rules! ...but some of those lyrics...)
MetalAges said:
Then again wouldn't a lot of Judas Priest lyrics fall into that category a lot of times? (Don't get me wrong, Priest rules! ...but some of those lyrics...)

Absolutely, but the stuff like Painkiller which was pretty well speed metal was no where near as well accepted as the 80s cheese.
VadimVon said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyway, what I meant by gimmick... When those guys first ran promos before their debut release a few years ago, they used to hype themselves as the "premier American epic black metal band". Nuff said.

Well taken, sir - nice to see someone on the GMD has the sense to take a light-hearted jab in the spirit it is intended. :)

Must have missed those adverts, damn that's gay (sorry Enders).
dill_the_devil said:
Well taken, sir - nice to see someone on the GMD has the sense to take a light-hearted jab in the spirit it is intended. :)

Must have missed those adverts, damn that's gay (sorry Enders).
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
What does he do to it?

...use it to con 18 year olds who i don't know just quite well enough into coming to mi casa... and alcohol...

i love myself... and all of y'all... cos im drunk and it's 12:33 in the PM and i got a lonnnggg fucked up day awaiting me and i WILL have fucking fun today if it kills me...

now drinking - crown and dr. pepper, and a 16 oz of nattie light and i got a 24 of icehouse waiting in the fridge...
Blue_Jay said:
I thought you said you ignored me damn it. Quit getting drunk and acting like it's cool, it's not.

I just love how you come to the forum start acting like a total prick and then start acting superior to everyone. It is obvious everyone thinks you are a raging douche bag, so I do not see the point in you staying here and expressing your shit opinions.
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