Dragonforce! What's the big deal?

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It's so funny when a band becomes more popular around here, causing the boo-birds to come out and start putting the band under a mega microscope (Hellloooooo Opeth).

You can like em, hate em, who cares. They're selling a load of albums right now, they're playing their own headlining shows to decent sized venues, and selling quite a few of them out. They've always done the same thing from their EP right through to their latest album. They are what they are, they don't care what jack rod opinion givers think.

They're in Hot Topic stores too...oh yeah, Slayer junk is sold there too, and didn't Slayer have an exclusive Hot Topic CD or piece of merchandise? Let's start hacking on Slayer now, for all the same reasons.

MetalAges said:
It's so funny when a band becomes more popular around here, causing the boo-birds to come out and start putting the band under a mega microscope (Hellloooooo Opeth).

You can like em, hate em, who cares. They're selling a load of albums right now, they're playing their own headlining shows to decent sized venues, and selling quite a few of them out. They've always done the same thing from their EP right through to their latest album. They are what they are, they don't care what jack rod opinion givers think.

They're in Hot Topic stores too...oh yeah, Slayer junk is sold there too, and didn't Slayer have an exclusive Hot Topic CD or piece of merchandise? Let's start hacking on Slayer now, for all the same reasons.


You are now my Hero. No joke
Oblivious Maximus said:
I like them. Every song on Inhuman Rampage gets stuck in my head. My only complaint is the lyrics. Like every song has a line thats something like "through the fire/flames/rain", and something about reaching for a "day" and the "distant sun"

I agree. Also, the second line of "Operation Ground and Pound" is "storming through the burning fields", which is the title of the previous track. Real creative, guys. :rolleyes: I don't listen to them for their lyrics, though. They never struck me as being too dynamic with their subject matter.
the only thing i dont like about DF is hermen lee or li, whatever the fuck his name is, he reminds me of this azn trash dude at my school, his face is makes me distrust the band, anyways, DF is a good power metal band, if you doint like power metal i can understand why many of you think they suck. Also, because they are a generally flamboyant band, if you dont have rather large balls you may feel insecure listening to them, most power metal listeners have huge balls the size of meteorites, so we dont really need to worry.
Krigloch the Incredible Bulk said:
seriously, put me in there to sing and they quickly become 2x better.

Krig, imagining you singing power metal, Dragonforce songs in particular is hilarious. I'm not doubting that you can, I am just saying the image is hilarious.
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