Last Album You Listened to in Full?

Abso-cunt-punching-lutely. Probably the best unsigned band in the UK right now

I'll have to look into that then. Although, when I was looking up Obliteration, I realized my PS3 has lost Youtube support. :( :( :( :( :(

EDIT : Youtube doesn't work, but Youtube XL does. WTF? Anyways, lookin em up now!
Removal of the Spine! :kickass:
Obliteration - Nekropsalms.

Norwegian DEATH metal. Fenriz from Darkthrone gives it his stamp of approval.

I'll stamp that as well! *STAMP*
I'm buyin that when I get paid.

I listened to "Envoke the Frozen Age" and " Styxerian Path (Into Darkness)".
BADASS. :kickass:

Sorry for the double post. :p