Last Album You Listened to in Full?


Confession: I barely ever listen to my vinyl collection anymore. Though, when I do? More often than not this album I pick out first. Such a classic record, love it!



Spearhead - Theomachia

I want to like this album more than I actually do. Killer artwork but the music is just average...good background noise while working out. As my collection grows to nearly 1000 cds and shelf space gets more scarce I find I am becoming more selective in what I actually buy.
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This album will be 8 years old this June! Crazy how time flies. I remember criticizing the album cover near its release and Matt responded explaining the thought behind it. This album took a while to grow on me but I reach for it regularly when I am in the mood for Evile. Head of the Demon, Skull, Underworld, What You Become, The Naked Sun, and Outsider are all great songs! :kickass:
I have to agree on Skull. Wasn't my favorite upon release but I appreciate it a lot more now. New Truths Old Lies is a great one.



:kickass: I waffle back and forth between this and Slave to the Sword as Exmortus' best album. Hymn of Hate, For the Horde, Speed of the Strike, and Death to Tyrants are all strong standout songs.
New CC sounds more inspired than last couple of albums. Most graphic album cover since Wretched Spawn which just seems unnecessary but they have never been subtle with the Gore.

Some songs could stand to be trimmed a bit as the album stretches on for two hours. Overall, is very good.