Last CD you bought

Yeah, I know it's got games now. The same games as the 360 has. And MGS4 and GT5 as it's exclusives. Games I have no interest in playing. On the other hand, the 360 gets Too Human, and it already has lots of exclusives that I want to play.

It's a no-brainer for me.

And yeah, if you really care about movies, you should get blu-rays. Problem is, I don't really care that much.

This is my second time turning on the 360 since getting it back from getting repaired ...


*The Fourth Dimension
*The Final Chapter - these 3 I have them on original tapes :p
*Hypocrisy Destroys Wacken
*Virus - now I have all Hypocrisy albums ^^
I dunno why everyone is hung up on blueray movies, I hate them personally. Everything is made to look hyper realisitic, blues look too blue etc etc.

I still say the PS3 has no good games. It has about five good games, about as many as the PSP, which is shit. The 360 is still suffering from the problem of having way too many FPS games as well.
I dunno why everyone is hung up on blueray movies, I hate them personally. Everything is made to look hyper realisitic, blues look too blue etc etc.

I still say the PS3 has no good games. It has about five good games, about as many as the PSP, which is shit. The 360 is still suffering from the problem of having way too many FPS games as well.

We got some good games, especially on the P3 which is automatically backwards compatible unlike the 360. The 360 online may be better, but I don't use it too much. We get alot of the same games as the 360 except for a few, but our versions of the games look and sound better. Im looking forward to getting God of War 3, Resident Evil 5, Rise of the Argonauts, Force Unleashed, and Street Fighter 4 (which will play like Shit on the 360's controller). Oh and by the way the money fiends at Microsoft make you buy a seperate Microsoft HDMI cable unlike the p3 which is complete scandal.
We got some good games, especially on the P3 which is automatically backwards compatible unlike the 360. The 360 online may be better, but I don't use it too much. We get alot of the same games as the 360 except for a few, but our versions of the games look and sound better. Im looking forward to getting God of War 3, Resident Evil 5, Rise of the Argonauts, Force Unleashed, and Street Fighter 4 (which will play like Shit on the 360's controller). Oh and by the way the money fiends at Microsoft make you buy a seperate Microsoft HDMI cable unlike the p3 which is complete scandal.
It isn't automatically backwards compatible, it used to be till they changed from hardware to software. Not it's impossible to be 100% backward compatible now.
It's not always true that PS3 games play better, sometimes the the design of the PS3 prevents developers from getting the best from it.
Also the only thing we've seen from GoW 3 is a totally shit trailer, so you've no idea what it's going to look like. Resi 5 is a 360 and PS3 game. SF IV I've already play at Lepzig GC and it plays fine on a the 360, although I personally don't like the controller also.
The reason they let you buy the HDMI cable is so the console is cheaper to buy, a lot of customers can't output that so they don't bother including it. Unlike the PS3 which gives you everything and charges you like 500 euro.
It isn't automatically backwards compatible, it used to be till they changed from hardware to software. Not it's impossible to be 100% backward compatible now.
It's not always true that PS3 games play better, sometimes the the design of the PS3 prevents developers from getting the best from it.
Also the only thing we've seen from GoW 3 is a totally shit trailer, so you've no idea what it's going to look like. Resi 5 is a 360 and PS3 game. SF IV I've already play at Lepzig GC and it plays fine on a the 360, although I personally don't like the controller also.
The reason they let you buy the HDMI cable is so the console is cheaper to buy, a lot of customers can't output that so they don't bother including it. Unlike the PS3 which gives you everything and charges you like 500 euro.

If your talking about the P3, its backwards compatible with P1 and P2 games and even has a built in graphic sharpener for them. 95% of the time the P3 version looks and plays better from what I have experienced. GoW 3 will own trust me,and RE5 will look better and sound better on the P3. I have seen the new 360 arcade controllers and they are cool, they will be handy for SF4. Also the P3 will live longer than the 360, Microsoft is already working on the next system to be released in a couple years. Sony has said they want the P3 around for a good solid 10 years.
The PS3 isn't necessarily backwards compatible. Only the big ones play PS2 games. All of them play PS1 games though. The 360 is backwards compatible with most games. I did have a HDMI cable incudd with my Xbox, I prefer the Xbox's controllers. Force Unleashed will also hit the Xbox and that's the only one of those games you mentioned I'm interested in getting.

It is true that the 360 has been around longer, which also means that it won't be around for as long as the PS3 will. But it already had quite a few years.

And besides, the 120gb 360 Elite is cheaper than the 80gb PS3. And comes with everything included.
It's all about the Nintendo DS... =)

I know what you all mean about the console games; because of the huge leap in graphics in the last ten years, gameplay hasn't really got anywhere. Good games still come out for PCs and handhelds, especially turn based and real time strategy.

Fear not, though, Starcraft 2 should be out summer of next year (or winter)... that should still the gaming hunger inside.
^ Yeah I have a DS too, it rules. I don't buy many games though, I don't really have time to play. I started buying a lot of music (and still do) because of its accessibility: I can hear music whilst doing my work on the computer. On the other hand, I cannot do that with my PS2/DS/SNES.

I love my DS believe me (ltd. Mario Kart edition), but it's really difficult for me to play :erk: . I wish I could though :Smug: .
funny to see how a "Last cd you bought" thread could trail off to a console discussion!

I just bought:
The Reincarnation of the Sun - Dunkel Prod. Compilation (1994)
Otyg - Alfevard/Sagovinders Bonig reissue (2008)
Dunkelheit - Obey (1995)
If your talking about the P3, its backwards compatible with P1 and P2 games and even has a built in graphic sharpener for them. 95% of the time the P3 version looks and plays better from what I have experienced. GoW 3 will own trust me,and RE5 will look better and sound better on the P3. I have seen the new 360 arcade controllers and they are cool, they will be handy for SF4. Also the P3 will live longer than the 360, Microsoft is already working on the next system to be released in a couple years. Sony has said they want the P3 around for a good solid 10 years.
It doesn't have a built in graphics sharpener, it's software that makes the games look better. Which is really cool! Because the backwards compatibility isn't done through hardware it's actually impossible for them to get every PS2 and 1 game to work. They'll be releasing patches till the end of time if they want to.
I've no doubt GoW3 will look great, I'm just saying they're doing the typical Sony thing where they hype the shit out of it and give you nothing. So then you have a bunch of people going "OMG IT LOOKS AWESOME!!" and all it is, is just some FMV.
Microsoft haven't say they're releasing a new consoles, that's all rumors. Of course they're working on a new one, as are Sony and Nintendo.
Don't get me wrong I'm not a 360 fan in anyway, I actually think the console is cheap piece of shit that always breaks.
I'm just saying the reality of the situation is that PS3 isn't going just blow it out of the water, it's still far behind in sales. So thinking something like that is the fanboy in you talking. :lol:
Otyg - Älvefärd/Sagovindars Boning ReRelease

Got this today and sadly it features no bonus tracks or anything like that. I didn't notice any improvements in sound either (then again I haven't listened to the original tracks in a while, but I strongly doubt they've changed anything). Also, it's a small thing I know, but why does the compilation start with Sagovindars Boning and not Älvefärd anyway?:S The first CD is SB, the second is well A.:) The booklet is basically the 2 booklets from both albums stuck together, except that it naturally has thinner pages to fit into the jewelcase. That's about it. A double album chock full of awesome music which most of us already own.:) But still, get it if you're a collector of Vintersorg stuff naturally (well depends on how 'hardcore' you are about it I guess), or buy it for someone as a gift, the price is low for a 2CD and if they're into this sort of music I'm sure they'll enjoy it. Oh and yeah, buy it for yourself if you don't have the two albums yet!(=