LastFM - Opinions?

To flaunt your musical taste, of course. What's the point of listening to something if nobody knows what it is.
The np(now playing) thread is a humongous ego trip, for instance.

I'm exaggerating, obviously. :p
I have one to find new music and because I like to keep track of the music I hear. Writing journals and posting in shoutboxes is also fun.
For instance Go Forth and Die (props for the username btw), thanks to I now see that your most recently played track in the singlemost disgusting, nausea inflicting, repulsive and annoying piece of eardrum rape of the last decade (Plain White T's), please tell me that was your teenage sister hijacking your account while you were away.

Boy do I despise that song..
hey there deliah is incredibly like catchy or something idk, it's quite pleasureable whenever I have the radio on, which is basically never. But my song is;