Latest CD you bought...

Blackmore's Night - Fires At Midnight
Concerto Moon - Rain Forest
Hammerfall - Glory To The Brave
Primal Fear - Nuclear Fire
Shadowkeep - A Chaos Theory

Also got the new Vio-Lence 7" They Just Keep Killing :rock:
Im off into town tomorrow to get the new Heavenly and Edguy albums.....maybe 'A Flame....' by Lost Horizon as well. Or maybe I should wait and order them along with the new Powerquest and DragonForce....hmm, now theres a dilemma
Apocalypse - Apocalypse
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
Devastation - Signs Of Life
Judas Iscariot - Dethroned, Conquered, Forgotten EP
Kiss - Greatest Hits
Kristallnacht - Of Elitism & War
Marduk - Panzer Division Marduk
Nargaroth - Black Metal Ist Krieg
Persian Risk - Rise Up