Latest CD you bought...

Agalloch - Pale Folklore
Carcass - Heartworks
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Der Sturmer/War 88 - Once And Again Plundering The Zion 7"
Ecthalion - In The Embrace Of Nocturnity album-length demo
Enslaved - Eld
Eradication - The Great Cleaning
Exhumed - Gore Metal
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Immortal - Battles In The North
Judas Iscariot - The Cold Earth Slept Below
King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King
Morrigan - Enter The Sea Of Flames
Today Is The Day - Today Is The Day
Symphony said:
Anyone picked up the new Kamelot yet?

Yes Of course I've bought it!

This is a fucking good album: the first song "March Of Mephisto" is so incredible: the duel between Shagrath and Jens is so powerfull!!

All the album is great! A new step for Kamelot....

:hotjump: :rock: :rock:

Also bought:
Virtuocity - Northern Twilight Symphony (a super melodic power metal band):rock:
Kamelot - The black halo (ok album but epica was better, and karma is still their best)
Freedom Call - Circle of Life (dissepointed by this one, but it has some cool tracks though.. their worst album)
Sabaton - Prima Victoria (good album! the titletrack rocks!)
Magnum - Wings of Heaven (great melodic hard rock.. but I think on a storyteller's night and vigilante will always be the best albums, even though brand new morning is pretty good)
Sodom - In The Sign Of Evil EP/Obsessed By Cruelty
Bruce Springsteen - Greatest Hits
The Eagles - Hotel California
Ad Hominem/Ornaments Of Sin split 7"
Arkona - Imperium
Armageddon - KIll Yourself Or Die
Aryan Blood/Flammentod/The True Frost/Nordreich - Germeinschaftstontraeger
Destroyer 666 - Cold Steel...For An Iron Age
Sarcofago - INRI