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CRUSADER747 said:
:kickass:Power Quest - Magic Never Dies :rock:

I saw Power Quest supporting Helloween in Bradford in february (i had never heard of power quest before), and they were great, so i have bought there latest album, which is fantastic!!

I have just orderd there first two albums and i can't wait till they arrive :)

Good man, another convert. :goggly:

I was pretty impressed with Soliloquy, so I got.


Soliloquy - Lateral Thinking (2005)

I also chatted with the band for a bit afterwards, and Pete Waldock (Bassest) forced the other band members to sign my CD :D I can't believe these guys are unsigned still!
Soliloquy are a great bunch of guys. I keep meaning to buy their CD when I have some money!! I've run into Mike a couple of times at gigs we've been at and I now seem to be know as 'Weston-Super-Mare' guy to the rest, I guess as I was one of the only people there!!
Gestapo 666 - Black Metal Gestapo
Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence
Sacrificia Mortuorum - Ira Melanor/Dark Hymns Of War
Satanic Warmaster - Opferblut
Stalaggh - Nihilistik Terror
dragonwarrior said:
Helloween - Better Than Raw (Expanded)

Tonners, how was Turisas? Sorry I couldn't come.

It was OMFGLOLROFL1337!!!!!!!!!!oneoneoneeleven.

I'll post my photos online in a while :D

Buyage: Kotipelto - Coldness
Hammerfall - Blood Bound Single.
Cracking sale in Virgin at the moment. All the following for £3.99 each!

Nihilist - 1987-1989
Pink Cream 69 - Thunderdome
Symphony X - The Damnation Game
Symphony X - V
Orphaned Land - Mabool
Waylander - The Light The Dark And The Endless Knot
Disiplin - Anti Life