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Well, I ain't heard the Nordlands so I don't know how they compre to a stand alone album, I think it's pretty dodge. It's got a mix of all of Bathory's styles but they are all fairly mediocre in comparison to what came before. very few standout tracks - Lake Of Fire is about the only one I can recommend off the top of my head.
Personally, I'd recommend Blood Fire Death for all-out Black Metal, Hammerheart for Viking Metal (One Rode To Asa Bay is one of my favourite Bathory songs ever) and Blood On Ice for more Vikings ^_^ sounds like Nordland is worth a blag now :) which songs would be worth a download?
Ayeka said:
Well, I ain't heard the Nordlands so I don't know how they compre to a stand alone album, I think it's pretty dodge. It's got a mix of all of Bathory's styles but they are all fairly mediocre in comparison to what came before. very few standout tracks - Lake Of Fire is about the only one I can recommend off the top of my head.
Personally, I'd recommend Blood Fire Death for all-out Black Metal, Hammerheart for Viking Metal (One Rode To Asa Bay is one of my favourite Bathory songs ever) and Blood On Ice for more Vikings ^_^ sounds like Nordland is worth a blag now :) which songs would be worth a download?

From Nordland Part 1 try
Dragons Breath
Foreverdark Woods

I haven't really got into Part 2 yet :erk:

If you like Hammerheart you should check out a band called Doomsword. Try and download 'Shores of Vinland', 'For Those Who Died With Sword In Hand' and 'The Youth of Finn MacCool.
I have to agree with the recommendations above for Nordland I. As for Nordland II ....I need to go back to the shop where I purchased it as they gave me a copy of I in the cover for II and as I hadn't really listened to I properly until today.....well you can guess the rest! Thanks Eagle for pointing out the similarities!! :)
anvil said:
From Nordland Part 1 try
Dragons Breath
Foreverdark Woods

I haven't really got into Part 2 yet :erk:

If you like Hammerheart you should check out a band called Doomsword. Try and download 'Shores of Vinland', 'For Those Who Died With Sword In Hand' and 'The Youth of Finn MacCool.

I'll get onto them :cool:
the last cds I bought are
Helloween - Rabbit Don't Come Easy
Manticora - Darkness With Tales to Tell
Platitude - Secrets of Life

if you don't know them check em out at they're really good