latest from scott

If its not out by the summer to capatalise on the festivals then even the diehards on heare will have had enough.

the damned things is doing a few festivals this summer here in Europe. So unless they do what King Diamond used to do with his band and Mercyfull fate, don't expect it to come out before summer.

New Anthrax album, who could think of a better X-mass gift :D
If they keep doing these big-4 type tours there is no way in hell they will use some unknown vocalist. Joey is the guy.

You're definitely right that they'll never go with another unknown vocalist after what happened with Dan.

And as long as John Bush is not interested, Joey's certainly the only choice. And since he was the classic it does make sense to use him for all of the Big 4 stuff. I honestly don't feel that the rest of the band is too interested in getting him on a new record...I could be wrong though, but I don't feel like their heart is in working with Joey as much as it was working with John. But John's heart wasn't in working with the rest of them - so too bad I suppose LOL

It'd be nice if they'd get the new record out in the next year, regardless of who the hell sings on it.
I honestly don't feel that the rest of the band is too interested in getting him on a new record.
it looks like you are right, what else is holding them back from putting out a new album? if law-issues were the reason they could have written 10 or more new songs since Nelson's departure.

It'd be nice if they'd get the new record out in the next year, regardless of who the hell sings on it.
next year??? omg, the year has just begun and the Big Four-shows are the best opportunity for releasing a new album. something tells me if they don't put it out this year than we probably never get a new Anthrax album.
Well atleast they're working with Joey. They should release a single or an EP to capitalize on the Big Four dates. I think that's the least they can do.

Didn't sound to me at all like they are working with Joey. Joey is listening to the Dan versions and coming up with his own way to sing them and make them his own as much as possible. That doesn't mean the rest of the band has heard what he's doing or even approves of it. He's just on his own preparing himself in hopes they eventually give a shit and ask him to come out and track his parts...which at this rate, may never happen.
it looks like you are right, what else is holding them back from putting out a new album? if law-issues were the reason they could have written 10 or more new songs since Nelson's departure.

next year??? omg, the year has just begun and the Big Four-shows are the best opportunity for releasing a new album. something tells me if they don't put it out this year than we probably never get a new Anthrax album.

When I said "in the next year" I meant within this in, this year has barely begun.
Joey: "I'm already into my fourth or fifth song as far as pre-production."

So were still basically in the very beginning stages as far as vox ?

Joey: "I'm not laying down anything for real yet."

NOTHING?? Not one single song is finalized and ready to go? GOD DAMMIT !!!!