Latest setlists

thanks :)
yes, you can open older gtp tabs with the recent one...
I think they shut the download a few months ago, but it is still open because of the compositions of some non-signed artists and some competitions they organised.
Here is what they say on the site:

"Providing some tabs - even made by ear - of copyrighted music is illegal. In order to respect the law, downloads have been limited to the [Composition] and [Competition] files. We are going to make our best to find a solution to offer music content without infringing copyrights."
Killermik said:
I wonder how they could actually define that.

We can say that, on this forum, we are the most hardcore fan, and almost none of us is happy with Final Resistance beeing played.

Well, Martin B said that for PMH, but maybe the story with FR is what Mikael said. They should get rid of both songs, in my opinion, but i guess they never will.

PaganThunder said:
i really hope we get Format C for Cortex and Monochromatic Stains

Didn't they use to play those in 2002? I don't think they'll play them now, but good luck.

Judith said:
I guess thats why they dont do a big tour as headliners

My guess is that most of the bands they tour with are more famous than them. ;)

Judith said:
it is sad that they are not recognised as I think they should be...

But that keeps them from going commercial. :)

Villain said:
I think it is a great live-song (although I don't like it much on the album) and certainly prefer them closing their setlists with it, instead of some weaker songs like At Loss for Words.
But that's just because you don't like ALFW. ;)
Still, even if you don't like that one, there are other great closers, such as Ex nihilo and The mind's eye (but they'll never do those because they're instrumentals :(), ...Of melancholy burning and Not built to last.

Villain said:
The thing is, even the most hardcore DT-fans can't agree on which songs are the best.

Please do define 'hardcore'.

Villain said:
Also, many songs that sound great on the album might not work too well in live situations. Auctioned, I'm afraid, is one of those songs - it would really slow down the gig too much.

They played that in Osaka once, and i found it to be very effective (and it was either right before or right after Misery in me, which was also a great move in my opinion).

Villain said:
Now, the usual DT setlist is aimed at those who haven't seen them live that often. Which means that they must play all the classics or people are disappointed.

The problem is that songs like PMH (and i hope it never happens to Lethe, but it's on a good way to getting there too) have been played so much that they have stopped being classics and become really boring three-to-five-minute moments. Also, what happened to older classics, like Of chaos and Nightfall? Hell, they could play all the songs on Skydancer for all i care, even if that's my least-favorite album by them; at least it would break with the stuff they always play.

Kov said:

They play (or played, i don't know if they still do it) that every single time.

Judith said:
For Lethe, I would like them to play the intro on the bass... it sounds great with the keyboard too, but I prefer it with the bass...

I like the keyboard version better. ;)
But they should play it with bass now and then, and they should play the beginning of Insanity's...

Makaan said:
or do they do it so Brandstrom gets something to da?

Brandstrom gets a lot of stuff to do. He always plays a solo intro to the first song on the list (regardless of which song that is), and a lot of songs have great keyboard parts. Honestly (and surprisingly, at least to me), DT is probably the only band (or one of the really-few bands) to give such an important role to the keyboard player instead of letting the guitar player(s) do everything.
I guess i'll have to try and bribe mike and the band with a few beers before and after the gig if they can do Format C. For Cortex, and maybe a bourbon if they do Fabric & I, Deception! haha. less than 1 week, cant beleive it, doesn't seem real!

I bet all you lucky fuckers that have seen DT a few times before hand dont get why me and a lot of other Aussies on this board are so excited hah,
UndoControl said:
Brandstrom gets a lot of stuff to do. He always plays a solo intro to the first song on the list (regardless of which song that is), and a lot of songs have great keyboard parts. Honestly (and surprisingly, at least to me), DT is probably the only band (or one of the really-few bands) to give such an important role to the keyboard player instead of letting the guitar player(s) do everything.

Sure there are loads of stuff for him to play, but not that much on the older songs, which was what we discussed.:)
UndoControl said:
I like the keyboard version better.
But they should play it with bass now and then, and they should play the beginning of Insanity's...
I agree for the beginning of Insanity's... i tried to play it on my guitar, but sometimes I also use my thumb to play some notes, i dont see how else i could do it, so i would like to see how they play it!
For lethe, i prefer the bass because with the frequencies of the tone and all it always makes me shiver in a pleasant way...
Mikael told me that they invited a female singer to a gig once long ago. They should do it again, as they do usually play several songs that include female vocals on the albums: Lethe, Insanity's, Undo control and occasionally ...Mine is the grandeur and A bolt of blazing gold.
UndoControl said:
But that's just because you don't like ALFW. ;)
Still, even if you don't like that one, there are other great closers, such as Ex nihilo and The mind's eye (but they'll never do those because they're instrumentals :(), ...Of melancholy burning and Not built to last.

Well, they have played both Ex Nihilo and The Mind's Eye on playback as intro/outro, but I admit it's not the same as actually playing them.

Please do define 'hardcore'.

Well, duh, us here on the official forum. (I thought it was obvious what I meant, but I guess it wasn't.)

They played that in Osaka once, and i found it to be very effective (and it was either right before or right after Misery in me, which was also a great move in my opinion).

Yep, I've got the Osaka bootlegs. The whole gig is probably the slowest DT ever did, with an almost "jazzclub-like" feeling to it. Very untypical of modern DT, and certainly not fitting to any open-air venues. Still, I must say I'd like to hear DT very intimately on a small club (perhaps even unplugged!) or something like that once in my life. It's just that I don't see it happening.

The problem is that songs like PMH (and i hope it never happens to Lethe, but it's on a good way to getting there too) have been played so much that they have stopped being classics and become really boring three-to-five-minute moments. Also, what happened to older classics, like Of chaos and Nightfall?

They never were as highly regarded as the songs from The Gallery, which is why they could be left out. The Gallery was their first breakthrough album, there are many people who still think "The Gallery = Dark Tranquillity". They didn't always play Punish My Heaven on the Projector tour, and many people were pissed off because of that.

Hell, they could play all the songs on Skydancer for all i care, even if that's my least-favorite album by them; at least it would break with the stuff they always play.

The same here. But we do not represent the general audience of DT. If I could decide, I'd make DT play songs they've never played live the next time I see them. But that's only because I've seen them play pretty much all the songs (except the brand new ones) of their current setlists.

Villain said:
Well, duh, us here on the official forum. (I thought it was obvious what I meant, but I guess it wasn't.)
Well, sorry for not realizing that... :\

Villain said:
They never were as highly regarded as the songs from The Gallery, which is why they could be left out.
You could say that C is more highly-regarded than TG, but you don't see them leaving out songs from TG in order to make more space for C songs. And the only reason TG is more highly-regarded than S (and C more than TG) is that as the years pass more and more people find out about DT and become fans (obviously). I'm sure there are many people (i'm not among them, btw) who think that S was a masterpiece and that DT = S and that they never again did something quite as good as that.

Villain said:
The Gallery was their first breakthrough album, there are many people who still think "The Gallery = Dark Tranquillity".
But that's just a misconception. DT = S + TG + TMI + P + H + DD + C; you can't isolate a single album and say that DT = that album because DT is not (yet, although i think they're going in that direction lately) the kind of band to try a few different styles, settle on one and release a lot of clone albums which define the band's style.

Villain said:
They didn't always play Punish My Heaven on the Projector tour, and many people were pissed off because of that.
How about all the people who have gotten "pissed off" because they don't play Skydancer stuff anymore?

Villain said:
The same here. But we do not represent the general audience of DT. If I could decide, I'd make DT play songs they've never played live the next time I see them. But that's only because I've seen them play pretty much all the songs (except the brand new ones) of their current setlists.
It would be really cool if they did some kind of forum-members-meet-DT thing and they played some of the songs they've never/rarely played.