Laying the Demon to Rest Tribute in AtWB?


Hey Matt, you know that scream near the beginning of the third track of the new album? You really nailed it.

Get it? Get it? Ahahahahahahaaaaaaa~

Um, anyway...

Do you guys think it's a coincidence that both Nailed, the third track in As the World Bleeds, and Laying the Demon to Rest, the third track of Mirror of Souls, both have a long-ish scream near the beginning? True, they're different types of screams (if that even makes sense), but they're still the third track of both albums. Perhaps the scream in Nailed is a tribute to Demon?
Hey Matt, you know that scream near the beginning of the third track of the new album? You really nailed it.

Get it? Get it? Ahahahahahahaaaaaaa~

Um, anyway...

Do you guys think it's a coincidence that both Nailed, the third track in As the World Bleeds, and Laying the Demon to Rest, the third track of Mirror of Souls, both have a long-ish scream near the beginning? True, they're different types of screams (if that even makes sense), but they're still the third track of both albums. Perhaps the scream in Nailed is a tribute to Demon?

Am I the only one that thinks that it is a coincidence that Matt sings on all three albums? Interesting but true. ;)
Whenever I compare AtWB to MoS I always consider Nailed as the new LtDtR because they're both relatively long and have a heavy riff intro which leads into that uhmm...scream.
To be honest, I see more small similarities between MoS and AtWB, structure-wise. The Master Storyteller and On Eagles Wings are both short, fast songs and Drown could serve as a counterpart to The Writing In The Sand. Nailed and Laying The Demon To Rest sure have things in common, like being heavier than the rest of the album and dealing with the more serious lyrical content, but I don't think they're related just because they both feature a particular scream/wail/whatever.
The beginning of AtwB (the song) sounds too much like one of the recurring melodies of Mirror of Souls (the song). The chorus of Altar to the Unknown God sounds a bit similar to the chorus of Wages of Sin, and the second verse sounds a lot like a part from Mirror of Souls (again, the song).
The beginning of AtwB (the song) sounds too much like one of the recurring melodies of Mirror of Souls (the song). The chorus of Altar to the Unknown God sounds a bit similar to the chorus of Wages of Sin, and the second verse sounds a lot like a part from Mirror of Souls (again, the song).

I think I disagree... with everything. I don't see the connections. :p
Errr... The melodies are almost identical. Maybe I could point out exactly the moments... but later.
To be honest, I see more small similarities between MoS and AtWB, structure-wise. The Master Storyteller and On Eagles Wings are both short, fast songs and Drown could serve as a counterpart to The Writing In The Sand. Nailed and Laying The Demon To Rest sure have things in common, like being heavier than the rest of the album and dealing with the more serious lyrical content, but I don't think they're related just because they both feature a particular scream/wail/whatever.

I wasn't thinking just from the scream thing. You pretty much posted exactly my thoughts, but I only mentioned that specific thing because that's what this thread is specifically about.