Learning to sing Black Metal

The_Harmathroditic_Ferret said:
Well I can actually form the words when I do it, and if you were standing next to me you'd hear it... but it's not loud enough for a crowd of 100 people to hear. Also the mike won't pick it up when I do it, because nothing is going into the mike.

Bullshit. If there is sound coming from a source, a microphone will pick it up if it can reach those frequencies. You have to remember that a microphone - other than a pressure zone (or, pressure principle - microphone, which relies on changes in air pressure to pick up sound - picks up sound waves. If you're inhaling and near the microphone, it should be able to reproduce it, unless you're using a sound frequency that is above what the microphone can capture.

Black Core said:
You've got to be kidding

He's not kidding.

A singer's voice is his instrument. Your health is directly related to your ability to sing. If a guitar player's guitar breaks, they can always get a new guitar - not so for a singer.

Alcohol dries out the vocal cords internally, as does caffeine and nicotine and most other stimulants. The use of these products will usually result in the drying of the vocal cords and when trying to sing, you're going to end up damaging your voice. The best thing for a singer is warm water - it keeps the vocal cords relaxed from the heat and the singer hydrated.
The only thing dry will be your vocal cords. When you lose your voice permanently, you're eyes won't be dry - they'll look like this: :waah: