I tried to wrap lecto mac in protools, using vst2rtas by fxpansion... it's loaded but I can't tweak it!
Was actually just gonna try wrapping it for pro tools, will report back in a few
Edit- It doesn't play nice with PT... ( PT8 OSX 10.5.8)
A) It's only loading as a stereo plug
B) I can't adjust the controls on it by clicking, however with my magic mouse I can slide as if scrolling through a web page, and the knobs turn?
C) I opened up amplitube to use the cab, no sound came out once I opened amplitube
Consensus for wrapping it for PT - No Dice
Worked flawlessly in REAPER though. Could just be because it's a wrapped plug in PT
LeCab2 + X50 ..... its beginning to feel alot like Christmas
PODfarm TS>LeCto>PODfarm cabsim, on PPC Mac and Cubase 4.This is literally the best Rec sim I have ever used.
PODfarm TS>LeCto>PODfarm cabsim, on PPC Mac and Cubase 4.This is literally the best Rec sim I have ever used.
Awesome!!!!!! Got it wrapped and its working great in Logic 9.1.3
You have to use the controls to edit the settings though, which is a fault to do with the wrapper.
PODfarm TS>LeCto>PODfarm cabsim, on PPC Mac and Cubase 4.This is literally the best Rec sim I have ever used.
drawnacrol said:Awesome!!!!!! Got it wrapped and its working great in Logic 9.1.3
You have to use the controls to edit the settings though, which is a fault to do with the wrapper.
Thanks so much LePou, will send you a donation now.
I just came a little.LeCab2 is ready to be released... almost. Should be out over the weekend.
Use the controls? How do?