LeCto v1.0

Love the GUI - the font reminds me of old point-n-click games like Beneath a Steel Sky which I just finished once more, simply awesome. :cool:

Can't wait for Mac ports... I've been waiting for a great free ampsim on Mac for like 1,5 years now.
to everyone out here who uploaded some mixes.
I think they're all awesome, but could you give some insight in how you get your guitar tone?
I'm having a hard time finding a nice tone, so maybe you could share some settings/signal chains?

anyways, keep up the great work

(Simply)by downloading the ampsim,putting in VST folder,loading in your DAW,adding some booster in front of it(optional) and cab impulse after it and then turning the knobs on the ampsim until you satisfied with the tone.Then repeating that process 3 times more(optional) and then pan 2 tracks 100% L/R and 2 tracks 80% L/R and send them to bus and EQ them HP 80HZ and LP 12KHZ
oh my f*cking god LePou, youve done it again. i love the new sound over the beta, sounds tighter, heavier and more accurate! i didnt even have to tweak one single knob to get the sound ive been looking for. now im just awaiting x50 and lecab2 to be released so i can blend them to make heavenly heaviness! KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK!
Tried it out, sounds good, but hey, im still a dedicated LePou LEGION user. Nothing tops it in my opinion :D (Lepou LEgion + Lepou cab (default impulses) = WIN!!!! )

Yeah I am totally into using Legion for old school death metal ala Grave, I used it for a song not too long ago that was very HM-2 like. I dont like using a boost with Legion, though. The raw earthy sound (as far as sims go - me'd rather have a Mark V which is what I'm currently gunning n g.a.s.ing for actually- come on, tax return).

LePou you're a goddamned genius man. Unless you're religious, then you're a friggin' genius.:muahaha:
A vst for Mac version is on his way. I'm gonna try to wrap an AU version too with Symbiosis.
PC guys you have onqel, Wild Hades, Nick Crow and AcmeBarGig, you are in the safe hands.
great news. really. :) made my day. call me if you need someone for testing....got a 2 channel recto here as well.

LePou, does this mean you're going to only develop plug ins for Mac now???

I don't know yet if I'm gonna keep developing plugins. I wanna take a break from plugins development (too much time consuming). I wanna play more and work on my mixing skills. I'm gonna release LeCab2 probably later this week and then I'm gonna port some of my plugins to Mac and...

@ Soultrash : Don't know about Cubase 64 bits. As soon as I have a working version I'm gonna send it to you for testing purpose.
Lepou, you are great doing plugins man! Remember this anyway you want to go.
If you need money for your time you can make your new releases paid.

Anyway man, don't leave us.