LeCto v1.0

Even with my 29 Euro cheapass interface, with no Hi-Z Input, I can go from my Ibanez SZ320
with passive Seymour Duncan designed pickups direct in and have huge amounts of gain.
Seems like you are doing something wrong there, because I get at least the same amount
as I get out of the Triple Recto of a friend of mine, with my di infront, my Charvel with
active Seymour Duncans, I have to turn the gain to 4/10 because it's just way to much.
And I leave the input, output and master at 5/10.
So, just bump up the gain more? :) Another useful trick: increase ALL volume knobs in a given plugin to maximum (usually: Input gain, Master volume, and Output). Seems to do the trick at least for me, with passive pickups. No more gain problems :)

When I said gain I meant drive, not volume level. For example, on LeCto the tone is really undergained ("crunchy") at 50% of the drive knob, as on the triple it already has a monstrous roar with the same settings.
Like I said before in my post, there has to be something wrong with your chain
or something like that, my Ibanez SZ320 doesn't have hi-output pickups, my
interface is the cheapest I could fine and LeCto has alot of gain, at 50% of the
drive knob, no problem with pinch harmonics or stuff, and at least the same
amount as the real triple recto of a friend.
I just used this for a live show yesterday and i must say it turned out just about GREAT! the tone really cut through all the other bands out there... sorry to say that the FOH was less than adequate in quality...
Thanks for the plug sir!
you mean something like this?



Isn't that a modified JCM900? Either way I'm working with Mac Here
I really need to put some new strings on the old bitch which is why the guitars are a bit dark, but I made this with Lecto (well the rhythms anyway) earlier today. hastily edited & mastered so forgive the sloppiness and pumping

Mostly high noon on the dials, obviously I had to push the high knob up due to the old strings. I wonder if anyone has had to use the boost side resonance knob very much yet? I'm scared to. The amp kills, 'specially with the recto impulse.
I really need to put some new strings on the old bitch which is why the guitars are a bit dark, but I made this with Lecto (well the rhythms anyway) earlier today. hastily edited & mastered so forgive the sloppiness and pumping

Mostly high noon on the dials, obviously I had to push the high knob up due to the old strings. I wonder if anyone has had to use the boost side resonance knob very much yet? I'm scared to. The amp kills, 'specially with the recto impulse.

fuck man I need to try out this amp sim bad! Lepou goddamn it how much money do you want to release it for Mac? I'll pay!
I made this today. Please watch in 720p to get a decent sound ...and thanks for the great plugin LePou!

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Don't have my Dual Recto at home right now, but the sim feels/sounds very accurate. The knobs definitely respond just like the real thing and I found that the settings that sound best for me on the sim are extremely close to those on my real amp. Fucking excellent job!
to everyone out here who uploaded some mixes.
I think they're all awesome, but could you give some insight in how you get your guitar tone?
I'm having a hard time finding a nice tone, so maybe you could share some settings/signal chains?

anyways, keep up the great work