Oh good, you make my tired myself a little bit happier
Rune - yes I will be making gainbooster clone as soon as i can get all the parts. (which can be in worst way 2-3 weeks if the FET transistor will have to be ordered from Asia/US)
srob7001 - loudness issue is solved with our mod, which lowers the signal volume right before final amplification in the SP. It is the exact way to make it sound as it should sound without shaking wallsHowever, I understand your need for lower power amp - if not for other reason, surely for price.. There is no need for huge almost 150W transformer and 4 transistors when you can have two and small transformer. I will think about it and modify another SP PCB I have built to have only half of transistors. And order new transformer. I am 98 percent sure it will work as intended - lower volume but no change on sound.
By the way - with our mod on SP it is even possible to turn SP on max without getting deafMaybe something for users who want to use it both for studio/room level and for gigs etc. Little switch solves everything.
Oh man, was it a week already? Damn my time schedule.
Anyway, new cases are done (300mm deep as opposed to 220mm deep), I am at the moment making second V9 PCB to make absolutely sure no problems are present.
Oh, by the way - found the original transistors for JE1000, they are on the way. Can't wait to test the sound.
And again, thanks for all the kind words!
srob7001 - there will definitely be a switch on SP1000 to enable room level playing. After considering various options, I think that the best will be using a selector switch on the rear panel to make sure it won't get switched to loud by accident. Something like this
The J-50BC + Original JE-1000 is gold, buuuuuuut it really depends on the pickup, there is many versions and variations of the J-50BC, some lack output, others are too trebly and too much output, some have more creamy mid tones and others are tremspaced or not. There is at least 4 different versions to my knowleadge, you have to get lucky, seems like their all wound a bit different, and they all kind of fades a little during the last 30 years so, you can't really expect a good resault.
EMG HZ H4 + any gainboost is too much output, so you have to turn it down, too bassy and too much alike the EMG 81. But better than most pickups and good for modern bodom.
EMG HZ H2 + any gainboost, so far this combo isn't very good for Lee jackson GP-1000 amp, it sounds very dead, but with my other amps it sounds killer. Maybe thats why alexi changed amps as well.
emg alx sounds killer!
srob, are you sure that brass block is better than titanium or tugsten block?