Leftist metal bands

Raistlin1980 said:
Hamlet :grin:

NP: Hamlet - Jodido facha :rock:
Hamlet used to be racist some years ago before the anti-fascism trend came out. They had some problems with the discography and with the fans and they turned into an anti-nazi band. It's... quite curious...

Love Like Blood and GWAR are leftist too :grin:

NP: Edguy - Land Of The Miracle
are you serious about that????? that would be rather pathetic, but I've never heard something like that before.
Some Hamlet stuff is cool, but all those "I'm such a rebel and I complain about everything" lyrics piss me off sometimes.
_Quarantine_ said:
are you serious about that????? that would be rather pathetic, but I've never heard something like that before.
Some Hamlet stuff is cool, but all those "I'm such a rebel and I complain about everything" lyrics piss me off sometimes.
I'm serious about that. And yeah, you've got it, they're in the Anti-Fascism thing just because the trend and because it's kewl. I don't like them too much, but I used to like a couple of songs some time ago (Jodido Facha and Irracional).

@DarknessEternal: I didn't want to. You were flooding my post.

NP: Dead Kennedys - Riot

Nice bum.