

Jul 17, 2001
Ok, I know this has nothing to do with Opeth, but a lot of stuff on here has nothing to do withOpeth, so here it goes...
My question is, why are men (myself included), so drawn to lesbians when we know that they couldn't care less about us?
Why are we aroused by a sight of two,or more girls kisssing, or doing other more suxual stuff?
What part of a male brain controls this silly...fetish, if you will?
I would like to see some male and female views on this seemingly pointless topic.
Being attracted to lesbians, like Opeth, is an acquired taste. I remember the first time I saw two chicks going at it (or whatever) and being quite disgusted (I was young). However, the more you watch it the more you like it.. Eventually you grow to love that shit.. So in a way, if you were forced to watch two men going at it you'd end up liking it as well. Sorry, but that's the truth.. Anyone who denies it is a homophobe. No, I'm not gay...
Also, someone once told me that men ejaculated more when wacthing homo porn than they did when watching normal (gu yand girl) porn. She believes that means they're gay, but I disaggree. They just ejaculated more coz it was something.. different I guess.. *shrug*. But my question is, why the fuck would any male take part in such a test? Perhaps it paid good :)
Hell...I wouldn't want to J-Off to gay porn...Lesbians are a different story though. I don't know if I could watch 2 guys going at it...It kind of makes me shiver, just thinking about it...
Oh great, now it's stuck in my head...Did you really have to mention that? I'm gonna go wash my face in cold water so maybe it will go away.Bye
Women are beautiful, and I think guys just like the idea of seeing two beautiful women together.


I could go more into all of what was said so far in this thread, but I better now.

I'm listening to Moonlapse Vertigo though. :)
Because guys "in general" are pigs. Note:the following applies to >50% of males in the world

We men don't show much respect for women - they appear more as objects to us. I would guess that much less a % of women look at men the same way. Why does something sexual get into men while just looking at a women? And don't tell me because they dress in a provocative manner, or they are "asking for it".
We should be able to deal with looks/dress, but we do a crappy job at it.

So seeing two lesbians go at it is just "double" the fun to male pigs. Why shouldn't lesbianism be just as taboo as being gay?
This one's easy. In our society, woman are soft, sensual, beautiful, subservient, silky smooth, lithe creatures. (Um...or at least thought of as that way.) So the more the merrier, sexually! Gay male sex would just be a bunch of fumbling and bumbling, while they try to dominate each other. :D This is why totally straight men AND women like lesbian porn, whereas no one wants to see gay male porn.

here's another idea: the majority of porn out there consists of nekked boobies. so women who look at porn are bombarded with pictures of the female body rather than the male body. it gets to the point where porn = naked WOMEN. so i know many a girl who would prefer to stare at naked women rather than naked men. even though they have no desire to have sex with a woman.

i've said too much, so i must kill you now. :eek:
I'm a firm believer of the "they're asking for it" theory. I have no sympathy for women who're raped just as I have none for drunk drivers who end up with their guts and limbs splattered all over a highway. Women are way too fucking naive and that's why they end up raped.
I suppose that, subconsciously, woman-on-woman porn involves nothing that can't be done by a man (less a few events, even).. and a woman.

Maybe that's why? Maybe not. Does that make sense?

I dunno.

My mind's a wreck, I have no idea why I'm writing about lesbians.

I set up two of my female friends. For both, it was their first female-female relationship, and it worked for a while. Once it ended, one stayed lesbian, the other went *right* back to guys. One of the "loves anyone who loves her" things. But at one point, shortly after they hooked up and I was still the only one who knew about it, they locked me in a bathroom with them and kissed me thank you. It was, needless to say, surreal, and they were both pretty hammered, but I'll say it was definitely a turn on - I was attracted to both of them, but not due to their lesbianistic tendencies.

I suppose Lina's right. Straight guys like women. The more women, the merrier. I also think that guys have a fear of seeing cock in a movie. Porn or not. OR, some guys are just super-sensitive about seeing a guy's penis in a dramatic film, but NOT in porn. When I was younger, I had this movie network, so I flipped on "Sirens" with Elle MacPherson. In one scene, a guy is posing nude for an artist. Some of my friends were like "Ok, thanks, didn't need to see that" among all the breasts, etc. But they've all watched hetero porn, and thus had seen penises on screen! I don't understand people.

But like I said, I'm a wreck. Later.
::just shakes her head::

A male friend of mine who has no attraction whatsoever to other males also holds that "everyone has a little bisexuality in them". I don't think I could ever see myself in a sexual relationship with a woman, but I think I agree. And that's not to say I've never been attracted to a girl. It's just by far much more extremely rare than that I would be attracted to a guy.

As for why straight guys like watching lesbians... being a girl, I wouldn't know, but could it be the fantasy of being in there with them?
Duvall, you dog! Locked in a bathroom with an attractive pair of pseudo-lesbians, eh?

I think, although it's been touched on and danced around, no one has yet put into direct language the appeal to men of porn featuring lesbians (actually, Lina and Duvall pretty much did... oh well). It's quite simple.

We watch porn to see sex. Heterosexual men seem to dislike looking at other men (call this fear of their own potential homo or bisexualism if you like, it's not really the point). Sex - GOOD! Men - BAD! Solution? Lesbians.

And, of course, there's the fantasy of being right in there with them, as tenebrose and Hearse said.

Final point. Stretching my brain to the most objective I can possibly muster in such circumstances (which I admit, isn't much), the female body is simply beautiful (or has the potential to be) and the male body is not. I always thought lesbians are brilliant. Not only do you get to be a woman, you get to HAVE women. How sweet is that? To quote Chandler from Friends: "Women have breasts. How you people get any work done is beyond me."

As men, though, we just can't let this secret of the brilliance of lesbianism out or we'll be shooting ourselves in the foot. Or elsewhere...
It's jealousy, lesbians know how to please each other better than we know how to please our ladies, we may only hope to learn :)
Originally posted by The Suicider
I'm a firm believer of the "they're asking for it" theory. I have no sympathy for women who're raped just as I have none for drunk drivers who end up with their guts and limbs splattered all over a highway. Women are way too fucking naive and that's why they end up raped.

i hope you're just trying to provoke people. that was the dumbest thing i've ever seen posted to this board. i think you're temporary solution might do the trick here.
There are a lot of very interesting views on here, and if we combined the different things from all of them we might have an answer to this *enigma*....
anyway, after my last post on here I thought about it a little more and I too came to realize that women are a lot more attractive than men...Even the least attractive woman is still better looking than half the men out there...
And of course there is that fantasy element that every man wants to have sex with two or more women at the same time, but I also think there is something else.
Most men are attractet to women who are a bit more "naughty", and when you see two girls kissing or doing other stuff, it reveals that they are open about their sexuality or that they are just experimenting, which stresses their "naughtyness".
I have another question here. Is homosexuality only found in humans or do you think it exsists in animals as well?
I honestly don't know the answer to that one, so feel free to enlighten me.
if a guy watches straight porn, what usually gets him off is imagining being the guy (or girl, maybe: who knows?). it's a mental substitution thing.

with lesbians, guys like them because they imagine they're there again... and guess what? "double your pleasure, double your fun!"

being a sex partner is good, but being a middleman is better, i suppose.
Wow I never knew that dolphins did that.... I guess you learn something every day, and today I learned that dolphins like to suck dick. I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in stored for me. Hehe, thanks all.
Ok, I don't know if this has nething to do with it, but at college, in friendship group of about 30 I'm the only male, and I don't watch porn. I'm not gay, I just don't see the attraction. Can sum1 answer me why many men enjoy watching people have sex or whatever else they do in many films? Y is that such a turn on? Several of my friends are lesbians, and a few are going out and I don't find that attractive at all (having been in the same room as two when they were.. well u can guess). Am i normal??? Hehe, actually I couldn't care less whether I was, but I still want answers. People who watch porn here WHY????