lordofthesewers said:So, did any of you take guitar lessons? Just wondering.
I took for 2 months lessons from a friend to get me started, and since then I'm self taught, but i still suck none the less.
Steve, when you start your internet lesson thingy, you can be sure that i will be your student in the art of shredding.
I got tired of being alone by myself with my guitar, so i think that until i take lessons the only thing i can study is learning solos and getting my alternate picking skill up a little.
Hey Souls, and everyone else interested in this online lesson program I am geting set to start.Souls of Black said:That sounds good Steve. Can you give a brief explanation of how the lesson will work? I mean, is it all tabbed, any sound files, etc.
I can't wait!I am really getting back into playing and am really excited. Plus I just ordered my C7 and this would be timed perfectly.
BTW, not kissing ass here, just stating the obvious, You Rock Man! Thanks for your hard work.![]()
Working out the final details this week regarding all aspects, including payment, etc.so steve, when do you start the world domination?
Working out the final details this week regarding all aspects, including payment, etc.
Stay tuned, should be able to let everyone know early next week for sure when the launch date is!![]()
Hey LOTS, and anyone else interested in doing this with me.hey steve, did you already send out the details to the mailing list you were talking about in the update? i might have missed it since i didn't email you since the last forum solo competition.
Hey Zak,Hey Steve, I've tried to e-mail you a few time's with my standard hotmail account, but recieved no luck sending it.
I'm in the process of writing you another e-mail with my business e-mail at the moment. I'll send it shortly, so if you don't recieve it by tomorrow, let me know, and I'll PM you.
Glad to hear you're all well.
Hey Zak,Hey Steve...Just sent you the e-mail 20-30 minutes ago...I certainly hope it worked. I'm glad your health is top notch now and your more than welcome.
The e-mail is not long, but I guess it does need reading. Hope you can help me out.
Take Care