let's just sum it up


Aug 2, 2002
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1. most of you are pretty neat.

2. my gyno has a web page! she's so neat. http://www.askyourmidwife.com/

3. i just ate like, the best vegan chocolate cookie ever.

4. i'm getting disgruntled at my job. i want to call in sick on friday.

5. i am literally terrified of a terrorist attack happening in nyc while i am away in MA and freddy is here.

6. my roommate and i 'saved' the cat (magic) she had butt gland problems! and we had them drained and now she is not crapping on the floor or yowling about.

7. i can't chew gum because i always always always swallow it

8. my sister is getting breast implants. it is horrible and embarrassing and my father is refusing to let her into their house now.

9. i am obsessed with the rolling stones.

10. my face is breaking out, and this never happens to me. and i realized how vain i am about it.
ok hmm.

5. i bet any upcoming attack will not happen in NYC, but somewhere with less security.

7. i have difficulty walking and chewing gum at the same time because it sometimes falls out of my mouth. (i'm serious)

8. why is she doing that? i don't want to make a blanket judgment that it's bad, as maybe there are reasons i haven't thought about, but my initial impression is "whoops".
xfer. i have no idea why she is doing it. my only guess is, my sister was hot stuff and now she's like, 30 and probably feeling sad about getting older. my family is mortified. i can't even talk to her about it without losing it, because my family is wicked poor and instead of helping them she's getting boobs.
it's a disaster.!
(also, i can't suck on lollipops when i am walking/riding a bike or they come out of my mouth)
how much do fake boobs cost?

i don't have a problem with cosmetic surgery in principle...we're fucking humans, right, we ought to be able to remake ourselves to look and be however we want. i guess there are just a lot of bad reasons why someone wants to get fake boobs..."so he loves me again" etc....so i'm always suspicious of good reasons. i just think you need a really really good reason to overcome the health risk of the actual surgery as well as the cost. i'm not saying there are no good reasons, just that they are much rarer than the bad ones.
umm, well, it's a major city with relatively low security (compared to DC and NYC) so it's possible, i guess, but...i don't know. i was thinking the next attack was was to be smaller scale but more terrifying, like assassinations of political leaders and celebrities, bombings of apartment buildings and disneylands, rifle knockouts of airplanes, etc. but i could be wrong.

by the way, www.debka.com says the islamists have a nuke. have a nice day.
we're all fucked.

anyway, i know my sister is going to shell out at least like $5000 or something. i just know she will regret it later and she is just doing it because all her crappy new yuppie friends did it when they had babies and were too lazy to go to a fucking gym afterward.
i am just sad. i mean, i know she has her reasons, but it just makes me really really sad. i have been trying to save enough money to take my dad to rome for exactly 3 years and i can't. and like, she blows it on boobs!
well, for the economic reasons, it sounds dumb then. unless she is going to be a porn star, because she will honestly see her take skyrocket if she gets good ones.
1. cool!
2. cool!
3. yum!
4. you should, I will.
5. I can read into the near future and fred will be ok this weekend.
6. that's good news
7. huh
8. that's retarded. pure cosmetic surgery is kind of silly.
9. best rock n roll band ever
10. yeah yeah what the fuck? I had no idea how much I liked having a clear complexion until I lost it...and also having a round face is bumming me out too. I had no idea that I was so image-concious.
xfer, haha! my dad keeps saying she can save costs on her auto airbags now.

josh: the face thing, unfortunately, doesn't stop either :( i hope you can stop taking stuff soon. or at least decrease the dose! as for my skin, i am like soo bummed out about it and i have .084328th of a zit like, MAYBE on my forehead.
yea :( it still stinks.
you have cruised www.wholhealthmd.com for info right?

anyway, look at how fucking fruity our all staff meetings are here:

 Welcome –
 Acknowledgment of the Ancestors and Loved Ones – Annique
 Introduction to Keynote Speaker – Teresa
 Keynote Speaker – Edward
 Acknowledgments of Gratitude – Joshua
Negro National Anthem – “Lift Every Voice and Sing”
interpretive african dance by- malik and carib
i NEVER EVER go to our freakin all staff meetings. i went to two when i first got here, and someone sang a religious song and i started laughing and got up and left.

but yea. this place is a LITTLE TOO FEEL GOOD sometimes. i am like, simmer down you fucking fruitpants.