Lets pool our pocket money together...

Dream Theater can go jump for all I care, Nevermore and Iced Earth CRUSH them live, ive seen dvds and bootlegs of all of them, Dream Theater is only good if you want to sit there and go "Ooh that sweep picked minor run in B Major was awesome!" they are pretty boring to watch if you want to rock out!
Blitzkrieg said:

Fine, we will arrange our own festival, which will consist of Iced Earth, Nevermore, Judas Priest, and Dream Theater. W00t. We will call it the 'Maiden Who??' fest. :kickass:
Plus Dungeon and Black Majesty. That would kick so much ass, no one would able to sit down again, ever.
Blitzkrieg said:
I agree with that to an extent, but at the same time they are amazing to watch from a musos point of view.
If Dream Theater play the entire Reign In Blood album for their encore, ill welcome them to the festival, otherwise ill use Portnoys head as a bongo and beat up John Petrucci with Jordans keyboards.
you are so hateful Spawn.

Dream Theater make Iced Earth look like beginners.
I think instead of all this happening.

We should bring Metallica out again!




anyone at all?

