Lets talk AxeFX, Considering it as a tool for my studio.

I did some reamping tests for Jeff, and we went through about 11 or so before we got something close that he was happy with. I do think if Jeff had one infront of him again, he would definitely be able to dial in a tone that was definitely usable.

The other thing which I suppose isn't really taken into consideration is running the Axe into power amp and micing that up. I have had great results with that, and i think avoids some of the issues you guys are bringing up. What are the advantages of that in comparison to a real amp? Well you have a huge array of preamp models, which you can recall settings. Obviously all of the effects as well which I think definitely make it worth the $2000.
The Axe-FX is a great tool, but if you hate tweaking or think tweaking a POD is hard, then forget about it.
In my experience, you get a hard time tweaking the Axe-FX because most of the time you get the feeling that it is close but not yet there (it's an extremely complicated tool!), but yet you feel the unit can deliver the tone you're looking for (while when tweaking the POD I knew it could not).

Although I think it is worth the 2K, I would not recommend it to everyone. Most people don't have the patience necessary to bring out the most of this kind of equipment.
I guess it is not about the tone, because the unit delivers it. It is about the amount of time you have to spend to master the Axe-FX and then get your tone out of it.
Like many here, I also feel it just doesn't do that saturated lower mid heavy tones well. It does the Periphery and Meshuggah type shit well, if that's yo thang.
Hell, I think even POD Farm kicks the shit out of the Axe FX for that kinda stuff, which is ironic seeing as how the whole modern digital djent tone originated from the POD.
And fuck, I think a lot of the free amp sims KICK THE SHIT out of the Axe FX.
When free stuff kicks the shit outta a 1.5-2 grand product, suddenly the Axe FX doesn't seem that amazing value for money anymore.
Plus, I just also feel that part of the engineering experience is learning how to mic stuff up, be it guitars, drums, vocals or whatever
The guitar pictures are also cool to look at! :D
Anyway, don't confuse stupid or uninformed opinion with misinformation. There's a lot of that on all popular forums!

On topic, if you dug the tone you were getting from the Axe-FX you tried and you're a tweaker, go for it!
Remember that it's not "only" the amps, but also the massive array of effects and flexibility.
If you're digging the tones just get one. It will be a better addition to your studio rather than getting a one trick pony amp.

HAHHAH I already have a 1 trick pony my 5150! LOL

But I love it for what it is :)

I just really thinking the axe as a tool for getting that killer JTM45 model and all the amazing clean sounds that my 5150 lacks. I mean dont get me wrong the models sound great and its extremely impressive for non high gain chunk just the tonal versatility it could add to the studio for a mere $2k is impressive.
When Ragnarok comes and it's time for the two great forums to battle...

Sneap Forum wins.


I find SS.org is a good place to find out about the latest gear and to help out some of the uber noobs with recording. Other then that its fanboi hell.

I was a pig poster there when they first started then stopped going for 2 or 3 years till about a month ago when I started this new CD I am working on. The guy I am recording is a SS.org guy and he told me I should check it out cause things changed ..... boy was he wrong ...lol Still fanboi heaven.
For me, it's the best thing since tube amps were invented. But it has to be tweaked to sound super. I've been using digital rack fx for over 15 years so I'm used to that. This is my setup live :

That being said, I don't like 5150's...
Yeah me neither, I heard them next to the Uberschall the other day and they actually sounded.........Scooped :O with not enough bass control.
Thought you guys might be interested in this. It's a cover of the new Soilwork song recorded with an axe fx. I know it's not a high quality recording but I think it still sounds good for that super saturated, high gain tone.

I know there is a tone in the background, it's not on and I know for a fact that this guy uses the AXE FX Ultra when not mic'ing the ENGL.

BTW, why is Meshuggah/Periphery style of metal referred to as djenty???? I don't get it.

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:lol: Yeah, it seems the two boards have their differences on a lot of things, but both can offer a good amount of information. Obviously each board has its own type of "fan boys" about certain things and techniques :lol:

And you've got to sift through all the fanboys' crap to get to the useful information... Same thing applies to every forum, including this one; if you know whose posts to watch, you'll get good tips. Otherwise, all you'll see is ENGL IBANEZ SCHECTER PERIPHERY (ss.org, who are not the BKP-obsessed people...that's HC) and 5150 RECTO EMG EMG DEATHCORE EMG EMG EMG (Sneap, duh).

The two forums obviously cater to different audiences, so it's useless getting in an argument over gear. Not only do the majority of the members of the two forums have different tastes in music, but the uses of their gear is different. As a huge generalization, ss.org is playing out and the Sneap forum is recording, which is reason enough to account for the differences in gear preference. I can't see anyone here ever recommending a VHT cab for recording, but VHT cabs are amazing for live use...the examples could go on and on...

All this to say... All of your high horses are actually no higher than any other forum's. They make fun of your petty obsessions as much as you make fun of theirs. Every forum has its low points and high points and every forum has its fanboys who need to be ignored. What counts is the information that can be found in between the fanboys' posts and that information can be found on this forum, on SS.org, on HC and on RigTalk, among others.
ss.org, who are not the BKP-obsessed people...

Yes, they are. All you ever hear about are Bare Knuckle pickups and Lundgren pickups... the forum is filled with young kids with little knowledge, who form their opinions based on what the rest of the forum says without having any experience with what they're talking about half of the time.

The two forums obviously cater to different audiences, so it's useless getting in an argument over gear. Not only do the majority of the members of the two forums have different tastes in music, but the uses of their gear is different. As a huge generalization, ss.org is playing out and the Sneap forum is recording, which is reason enough to account for the differences in gear preference. I can't see anyone here ever recommending a VHT cab for recording, but VHT cabs are amazing for live use...the examples could go on and on...

I don't know about that. There are plenty of bands that both forums share an interest in... and I definitely wouldn't say the majority of ss.org is playing out. There are a handful of cool, interesting musicians there, but it's mostly younger guys who aren't playing out or doing much of anything really. The main difference between here and there, I think, is that there are WAY more people on this forum who know what they're talking about, speak from experience, and can produce professional results. There's very little of that over there.
Yes, they are. All you ever hear about are Bare Knuckle pickups and Lundgren pickups... the forum is filled with young kids with little knowledge, who form their opinions based on what the rest of the forum says without having any experience with what they're talking about half of the time.

I don't know about that. There are plenty of bands that both forums share an interest in... and I definitely wouldn't say the majority of ss.org is playing out. There are a handful of cool, interesting musicians there, but it's mostly younger guys who aren't playing out or doing much of anything really. The main difference between here and there, I think, is that there are WAY more people on this forum who know what they're talking about, speak from experience, and can produce professional results. There's very little of that over there.

Lundgrens, yes, but maybe since I usually hang out in the gear forum rather than the numerous guitar forums I don't usually see the BKP loving. So I may be mistaken about that. They're definitely becoming an internet-wide phenomenon though.

There may be a larger ratio of useless people:useful people on ss.org and I haven't been here long enough to figure out the subtleties of the community, but the helpful guys are still there. ss.org is by no means the main forum that I frequent, so I don't have any huge personal attachment to it, but I've found a very good bit of helpful information in the gear forum there and so I feel that I owe it some defense. :)

On another note, while you guys are looking at the AxeFX from a purely "preamp view", you must also consider the effects, which are top notch and basically worth the $2000 alone.