LexTac, LexTac, LexTac! Tried it vs my Warp chain.


Jun 16, 2008
Uppsala, Sweden
So I used my usual WarpVST chain and replaced Warp with LexTac to compare it. I had to do some tweaking throughout the chain to get it in the ballpark and that included getting rid of the TSS I was using.

These are random riffs from one of my songs (not arranged in any particular order) and these scratch tracks were tracked with old strings. Anyway, first up is LexTac and after one loop of the riff it switches to Warp. I think you guys will hear quite a difference but LePou himself said that LexTac probably won't be very good for this forum... I say he is wrong! I'm sort of loving LexTac because of how the amp controls react and interact with each other.

Now that I listen to this clip at home I realize the Warp tone will still be preferred by most of you because it's fatter and more scooped but I'm very sure I can do some minor tweaking on the LexTac to get it sounding about the same. LexTac's clarity is insane! It doesn't handle gain as well as Warp but I think LexTac sounds more "pro" and the gain is more than enough for me really. Listen!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/585020/Grey LexTac vs Warp.mp3

My LexTac tone is a bit on the scratchy side and a tad undergained... with those two tweaks and maybe a slight bit of mid scooping, I think it'll sound good. What's your thoughts?
this doesnt have a bass right? So, with a real bass and if you scoop some mids a bit, this could turn a killer mix.
Exactly, there is no bass guitar (as any previous song/clip I have posted from this project). The drums will also be replaced by real drums which I will start tracking sometime very soon actually! I might even start tomorrow :)

So what do you think of LexTac vs Warp? The Warp tone is fatter but one must not be fooled because there is still no bass guitar in the mix. A fatter guitar tone doesn't always mean it's best, it might muddy things up. The LexTac could use a scoop though as both of us have pointed out.. :)
Well the Lextac has a more pleasant mids than warp, but both are really good. With a good bass sound the lextac could offer more meat to the whole mix. I tried yesterday Lextac and it´s not quite easy to pull a good heavy sound with him but it has some real character. The only problem is that Lextac it´s a bit noisy with high gains but we cant complain because he wasnt made with that purpose.
i dont recognize that much difference tbh^^ could be the cold though :D

the LexTac has more meat i guess...but bouth sound good!
frankly, your tightness intimidates me.


i'm defo like lextac more, seems brighter, and nicer!


ps. the ideas in your songs (this one included) are fucking catchy as hell, i love your writing!
frankly, your tightness intimidates me.


i'm defo like lextac more, seems brighter, and nicer!


ps. the ideas in your songs (this one included) are fucking catchy as hell, i love your writing!

Thanks, I just hope I'm able to play at least as good as I did on those scratch tracks when I track it for real... I didn't think about tightness and stuff until people started mentioning I'm decently tight on my playing and now I'm intimidating myself with these thoughts like "Uh oh, will I be able to replay all that again?" :D Ah who am I kidding, of course I will and you guys will damn well hear it! I'm gonna start tracking drums today I think, it's time to start bringing this baby into life.

I can't wait to try Lextac.. hopefully this weekend I can give it a spin :)

Yeah you should try LexTac asap! The strange thing is that I have very little experience with real amps but I'm assuming the LexTac has a very analogue behaviour because the controls really affect each other as opposed to there being a bunch of knobs and they only do their specific thing i.e boosting the 6-8k area or whatever. When you tweak the Treble knob on the LexTac, it just changes .. well basically it changes everything *dramatic voice*. :) It's awesome, I think it's my favourite amp to just tweak and play around with.

Like, I found that if you set the gain high but the input low, you'll have a pretty thick and muddy-ish tone. Put the gain low and raise the input instead and you'll have a tighter and cleaner distortion. I just love that! The Power Amp knob adds a lot of low mids as well, it's so awesome to control the sound with.

I'm just gonna raise the gain a bit on this tone and suck out a little bit of mids and maybe touch the presence a bit and I think it'll be quite good.
Yeah you should try LexTac asap! The strange thing is that I have very little experience with real amps but I'm assuming the LexTac has a very analogue behaviour because the controls really affect each other as opposed to there being a bunch of knobs and they only do their specific thing i.e boosting the 6-8k area or whatever. When you tweak the Treble knob on the LexTac, it just changes .. well basically it changes everything *dramatic voice*. :) It's awesome, I think it's my favourite amp to just tweak and play around with.

Like, I found that if you set the gain high but the input low, you'll have a pretty thick and muddy-ish tone. Put the gain low and raise the input instead and you'll have a tighter and cleaner distortion. I just love that! The Power Amp knob adds a lot of low mids as well, it's so awesome to control the sound with.

Hey Erkan you're right about the interactive controls. I use the same algo for the tonestack but with a little something that is in the real XTC that may enphasize even more the interaction between the stack controls.

About the gain knob, it interacts with the bright switch. When the bright switch is ON (bright or brighter) the gain knob acts as a "brightness" control, the more gain, the less bright.

BTW, nice and tight playing as usual :heh: