LexTAC: New ampsim by LePou


New Metal Member
Apr 5, 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina

LeXTAC has been inspired by a great Californian boutique amplifier.

· Ch 1 (Clean/Yellow): gain, bass, middle, treble, contour, power amp gain volume, 3 positions pre eq, gain boost.

· Ch 2 & Ch 3 (Blue & Red): gain, bass, middle, treble, contour, power amp gain, volume, 3 positions pre eq, gain-structure, gain boost and plexi mode.

All channels have a 3 positions Pre EQ switch : Normal, Bright and Brighter. The higher you set the gain control, the less effect the Pre EQ will have on the sound. All channels also have a gain boost.

Channel 2 & 3 (Blue & Red) have two other switches to give the user different gain/tone :
· The Plexi channel is a lower gain channel than the normal Blue & Red ones. The plexi channel can be assigned to either Channel 2 or 3. Note: structure switch and Gain Boost switch are inactive in Plexi mode.

· The Structure switch is an overall gain reduction switch for Channels 2 & 3. When ON (high position), both channels 2 & 3 have less gain. Obviously, when OFF (down position), the preamp will more gain.

The beautiful GUI was design by requietus.

Thanks again to all the testers.

Some demo clips by Dimitar Nalbantov :





Make a donation if you think it sounds good and it's useful for you.


Gonna give it a try ASAP
New Ampsim from the God Lepou:




Holy sh*t, you guys are fast. I just put it on my blog, didn't even have time to come over and post the news.:lol:

It may not fit the style of most of the users here...

Just downloaded - as LePou said, this isn't a super high gain sim, but I think it could be very useful for cleans and solos.

This sim is AWESOME for stuff that i do!
I get alot of circa survive esqe projects and this amp sim hits the nail on the head!
Thanks so much LePou!
Thanks LePou again for releasing yet another hi-quality ampsim!!

I made a quick test with it on the intro of my last song I posted here.
I'm definitely liking this! I used Ryan's IR and put a TSS in front of it.

I'm sure one can get better tones out of it, perhaps even without the TSS too,
depending on what kind of song you're applying it to.

I messed only about 3 mins because I'm in abit of hurry now, but me likes this! :headbang:

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1147572/Tokyurot - LeXtac Test v1.mp3
The real Ecstasy has been one of my favourite amps for leads - soooo creamy and cutting.

Looking forward to check this one out. Thanks, LePou! :kickass:
I think lePou should make some money from these works...I don't understand why such great plugins should be free. I don't mean they have to cost a grand, but at least they should pay the effort I think
Definitely sounds like its modeling the Ecstasy.

Hard to nail that amp though as it seems to embody all things analogue. As slash mentioned, it has one of the creamiest, fattest lead tones ever and just squishes and bounces up and down all over the room through a cab. One of the most awesome sounding things ever IMO.

The plug-in definitely nails the character, but not the 'magic' sadly. For a free release though I cannot complain, and all power to LePou. Thanks for blessing us with another tool again.

I actually have a rough mix of an Ecstasy through a Bogner 2x12 doing rhythm guitars from a few months back, if anyone is interested in comparing: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/285689/Everything-NewBounce.mp3

Shame I don't have any of the solo/lead clips up of this thing. They are pure euphoria.