LexTAC: New ampsim by LePou

The demos from Dimi sound great. If I was an amp sim maker I'd always want him to do my demos as he makes them all sound great. For some reason he can always coax a great tone out of whatever is tossed his way - not just expressive, but something that displays it's strengths.

I'm loving this one LePou - it sounds great my friend, can't wait to give it a go in a mix.
Thanks guys.

@Jind: Your right, Dimi makes everything sounds good. Tone is in the fingers...

@Ermz: I badly wanted to get that 'magic' but... Unfortunately I never had the chance to play one. So I rely one a schematic to build this sim. I didn't find XTC owner to do some reamps. Hope it's gonna be usefull for someone.

@Dimi: Wow !!!!

@nacrossintese: Yes I'm working on a Recto. And as there is some users of this beast here I can get some reamps and hopefully better nail the tone.

@iamandy: Sounds great. Like it.
@LePou: I convertet the VST into RTAS and it doesn't appear in my plugins list...is there a catch? tnx
Hmmm.. i downloada all your plugins now and converted them with "VST to RTAS" app and none of your plugins is showing up... hmmm.. i'll try to restart the computer or smth... :\
You know, s-preshigh is not the only impulse available. :P

Damn! Why didn't anyone tell me that before, haha!

Didn't have much time, so I just slammed that IR to get some kind of picture of the sim since it's a good IR.

Will do more tests with time & different IRs of course, was just overly excited to wake up feeling like it's x-mas again :goggly:
whenever these new ampsims come out its like new gear day for me!

cant wait to try this out lepou thanks!