Life's simple pleasures

Great contributions all, (especially on the food part), though Dylan and Dan (and of course 53Crew :D) really especially nailed what I was thinking of (those little things in life you might not immediately notice but are so awesome, e.g. crackling steak om nom nom :D)
trying some new food, and really liking it.

doing something all by yourself for the first time.

These two especially are great dude, and man, case in point, I only discovered Indian food a couple of years ago, but it's now my absolute favorite exotic cuisine, GOOD GOD the flavors (though the deserts are horrid IMO, too much syrupy stuff, not enough CHOCOLATE :D)
- LOUD farting
- Seeing my wife and my daughter after work
- Hearing from a client you I did a great job
- Seeing my big white fat female cat that lives on my mom's house
- Eating cheese (if possible, the stinkiest available)
- Being woken up by my wife rubbing her hands on my back (you can also insert any naughty things where i wrote 'rubbing my...')
- Palm muting on my home brew amplifier

Taking a phantom dump is very important, but stress has taken the pleasure of taking a dump off me. I used to be a great dumper, sit on the toilet, count to 3, and BAM, a great shot! Now I can even read half of each day new threads on this forum without nothing out.
man i just finished watching extras.
andy's speech is of al pacino proportions, fucking incredible. work of fucken genius!

i will add yet another
finishing watching an awesome series for the first time and getting that feeling that youll never be able to experience it quite in the same way ever again. it sucks, but it's great at the same time, cos you know somethings really high quality if you get that feeling :D
Great contributions all, (especially on the food part), though Dylan and Dan (and of course 53Crew :D) really especially nailed what I was thinking of (those little things in life you might not immediately notice but are so awesome, e.g. crackling steak om nom nom :D)


I live for steak. A lot of people may find this lulzy so I'll post it was on an Australian public holiday, and I was already drunk "around lunch time" and i have this e-buddy in Canada I talk to about metal and recording and music (met him on a forum) and told him for ages I'd video myself cooking up a huge steak for his entertainment...and well here it is. :lol:

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when you put the steak in the pan
i have those scissors
small world motherfucker
is that gaymers i see?
poor form motherfucker
tell your friend she has shit taste in cider
Yes it is gaymers, and I bought it because it was on clearance. It was 20 bucks a case, save 40 bucks. That's ridiculously cheap...
Going to sleep and waking up more than 10 hours later.
A lot of booze, a nice house or bit of land and a lot of friends, all at the same time.
Getting new stuff that sparks your creativity
Cooking some food and finding it tastes fucking good (homemade pizza's and lebanese kebabs ftw)
Finishing a project, knowing that the band is happy
Good TV- Shameless, Skins, Mock the Week etc

I'm sure theres more

- Playing fucking loud my triaxis with a beer on my side.
- Eating my selfmade tabasco sandwich and drinking beer
- Blowjobs with a beer in my hand
- Sitting in a pub with friends and talk about football (soccer, not the boring one) drinking huge amounts of beer.
- Cig & beer after a live show.
- Parties in Berlusconi's mansion with beer and tits all around.
- smoking weed in the middle of the night after you woke up
- having weed at home
- having enough weed at home
- writing songs and listen to them all the time
- ice cold german beer on my balkony
- beeing a pirate and a ninja in the same person
Except for those you already mentioned there Marcus, i have to say:

- The sound of beer bottles hitting each other gently in the wind.
- Scaring the shit out of people(By making them think im mentally ill.).
- Seeing REALLY drunk people trying to handle their cellphones or keys.
- The first shower after a hard hitting festival.
- The sound and feel of brand new strings.
- Cutting a huge fart in the morning.
Pretty much everything I was going to post here has to do with buying a recto cab. I know how I sound when I won't shut up about whatever new shit I just bought so I'll spare you.
Yeah... as someone who adds cayenne pepper to many coffee drinks and almost all dishes that aren't intended to be sweet, there's nothing quite like having a galvanized tongue that can move past heat and see the kind of flavors that only pop up when no consideration for the comfort of wimps and lightweights is anywhere within a kilometer of the kitchen.

Unless you pepper-spray your dishes (which, despite its interesting effects on stir-fry dishes, is not always recommended for health reason), Naga Jolokias are hard to beat.


Crisp, fresh mountain air.

Polluting said mountain air with the smell of cajun spiced bacon frying up.

Watching a camp fire turn into a raging inferno when the night cold sets in after it being piss weak all day.

Pulling up camp chairs (with built-in drink holders) around said fire and having man talk over some icy cold beers and rockin' tunes.