Life's simple pleasures

- plugging USB devices into USB ports...feels cool for some reason.
- quoting lines from Predator extremely loudly when playing Left 4 Dead on xboxLIVE.
- come to think of it, quoting lines from Predator (1 and 2), Commando, and anything else to do with Arnie, Gary Busey or Danny Glover in reference to everyday situations.
- owning cigarette lighters purely because of a fascination with fire, as I don't smoke.
- buying a shitload of different pens at the start of every university semester, yet only using a few select favourite ones for said semester, and after a few years owning a pencil case full of totally awesome barely used pens.
- writing a full page of ntoes on a nice piece of white paper, with a sweet roller ball pen, in a font that may not be extremely neat, but definitely looks cool. I have a weird sort of fetish with pens and writing notes...
- brushing my hair after a shower and collecting bits of hair in my brush, and waiting a few weeks for said hair to build up so I can pull it all of the brush in one big clump and tie it in a knot.
- having 'raw sugar' instead of 'white sugar' with any takeaway coffee I buy, and ripping off only the very tip of the sugar paper ag thing (long ones), pouring the sugar out, placing the ripped off bit inside the left-over packet, and twisting the top shut.
- watching gearwire reviews by 'Mr Postage paid' on youtube over and over again, because the way he talks about the manuals and stuff relaxes me for some strange reason, and almost gives me goosebumps, in a similar way to maybe James Earl Jones.
- always asking my friend whenever Michael Ironside is mentioned..."is he the 'poor mans' Jack Nicholson?"
- going to every night and being excited to see what new videos have been uploaded for me to enjoy before I go to sleep. :lol:
- having an abnormal obsession with predatory particular snakes, birds of prey and big cats.
- watching videos of said animals kill their prey on youtube.
- using phrases like "you eat bags full of dicks regularly" as a greeting towards one of my younger brothers so often that we just laugh and it has become everyday speech.
- saying to myself "I should really change the strings on my bass" every time I play it, knowing full well I will not do it.
- listening to a local heavy metal radio show hoping they will play us, but mostly laughing about all the terrible stuff they play.
- loving the way it feels to press my laptop screen fully shut and feel that little 'click'.
- loving how the gearstick in my Dad's car feels when I change the gears, and also taking a huge amount of pride in being able to drive a manual transmission car very well.
- the incredible guitar work of Todd Rundgren in Meatloaf's hit 'Bat Out of Hell'.
- watching the first few weeks of each new Australian Idol series to laugh at all the people who are shit, and then not watching the show anymore when it gets down to only people who are good singers.
- telling my Mum her car is a piece of crap and mine could smash hers in a drag race every time something is brought up in discussion about her car.
- wearing skate shoes for comfort reasons, because I have no interest in skateboarding.

There are some good ones in there! :lol:
Yngwie Malmsteen's vibrato (and the odd occasion where he plays something incredibly tasty).

James Murphy's harmonies/whammy bar technique.

Natural finishes on guitars.

When Dylan asks me "is he the poor man's Jack Nicholson?" in regards to the criminally underrated Michael Ironside.

Checking the "what others are watching" section of the spankwire main page and seeing that someone is watching a rape video.

Home made pizza with way too much cheese.

Cutting a perfect slice of bread from a fresh loaf of sourdough.

Driving through the main street at 8pm and noticing that it's an absolute ghost town.

Discussing the attributes, pros and cons of various weapons from "Perfect Dark" with Dylan.

Levelling up any character in any RPG game and getting to distribute skill/attribute points.

Going between different guitars while practising and noticing that they all have their own unique smell.

Slipping into brand new shoes for the first time after getting them home and feeling like you could jog up Everest.

And last but definitely not least.

Waking up on the first day of uni holidays and realising that you have absolutely nothing to do but have fun for the next few weeks.
These two especially are great dude, and man, case in point, I only discovered Indian food a couple of years ago, but it's now my absolute favorite exotic cuisine, GOOD GOD the flavors (though the deserts are horrid IMO, too much syrupy stuff, not enough CHOCOLATE :D)

hey man, our desserts arent that bad.. sure they ain't typical chocolate but they're great for someone with a sweet tooth (the syrup is usually a sugar syrup variant :p) n not all of them have it.. maybe i need to gift you a box of sweets :p..
Jamming at a pub-sing with my bodhrán and penny whistle
Guinness 250 on tap
Black-smithing something decent
Finding a new tobacco that you love
Plugging in a new 1TB hard drive (in my line of work that's quite frequently)
Hitting a higher weight max than you had planned
Driving to work on the first day of a new season (I drive an hour down a nice country road to get to work)
Beating my brother at Halo (he's seriously clan worthy...I don't know how he got so good)
Watching Hot Fuzz and drinking beer
hey man, our desserts arent that bad.. sure they ain't typical chocolate but they're great for someone with a sweet tooth (the syrup is usually a sugar syrup variant :p) n not all of them have it.. maybe i need to gift you a box of sweets :p..

Haha, well I may take you up on that dude - really though, it's just I'm not a fan of syrupy sweets, I much prefer thick and creamy! (mmmmmm creamy goodness, to make the joke before anyone else does :lol: )
sure, take your pick...
:P i'll contact DHL for shipping from here in india to the us ...
yea, a hot chocolate fudge on a cool night is great!
-Breaking the foil seal on a coffee jar and taking a big whiff.
-The first rain after a huge heat wave.
-Spending loads of money on something awesome for my studio.
-Plugging a TS/TRS cable straight into an amp or something, without hitting the sides of the plug.
-Lying in bed when there's a massive storm outside, and hearing the wind and rain pound your window, but feeling really warm/safe in your bed.
-Lying in bed when there's a massive storm outside, and hearing the wind and rain pound your window, but feeling really warm/safe in your bed.

I have a food fetish:
I really love the smell of garlic (especially when it's roasted, throw a whole garlic clove into a camp fire while grilling, god damn, what a smell).
The taste of selfmade pizza (I am really good at that, made a pizza like 5 minutes ago and I make pizza like once in a week).
Cooking something without knowing what it will be and than realizing that it actually tastes good (like yeast dough filled with lamb curry).
The smell of really good fresh coffee (but actually I dislike the taste of coffee and I never drink coffee)

Other things I love:
When I wake up and look into my girl's eyes (that sounds way to romantic for me :D )
Wake up and know that I have nothing to do the whole day and that I am able to just do whatever I want.
Wake up and knowing that I am leaving for vacation, fucking love that feeling.
Lying on the beach and just watching the sea (sadly I live 1000km away from the sea).
Playing shows when there's a cool atmoshpere.
Just sitting around a campfire (another guy with a fascination for fire here)
Watching pictures from space-fucking love those pictures, not sure why.
Yes it is gaymers, and I bought it because it was on clearance. It was 20 bucks a case, save 40 bucks. That's ridiculously cheap...

nah it's tolerable stuff i guess haha
it's like a £1 a bottle at tesco here, so i end up drinking it fairly often. it's alright after a smoke though.
yet more:
being able to rap along to aesop rock flawlessly
clint eastwood movies
brothers strawberry cider
revelling in the fact that i know 99% of people who play fallout 3 are wrong in thinking that its amazing, because it sucks :D
fallout 1 and 2 sessions deep into the night
good peavey revalver tonez
drinking a litre of coke in one gulp after a week of not fueling my carbonated drinks addiction
running around for 20 minutes in Arma 2, finding some combat and then getting killed before I've even had chance to take aim
Sim FPS games
getting high as fuck and watching apocalypse now redux, the plantation scene, fuck yes
the fridge magnet collection on our fridge, it's nigh on obscene, ill take pictures one day
bon iver - for emma, forever ago (because it's fucking beautiful)
watching james may say "oh, cock"
watching The Office and being simultaneously driven to hysterics and having my soul crushed
good mood chain smoking, yknow, when you're in an epicly good mood and you bust out the cigarettes cos of it? is that just me? D:
snare reverbs with a 5 second tail
festival burgers again :D
Laughing about some nonsens together with a good friend :kickass:

Seeing tits and realizing..I can touch it now, if I want :lol:

Drinkin´a beer :kickass:

Playing a videogame, which is such good, that I forget all my problems and calm myself down for some hours :)

Posting a song here at the rate my mix section and recognizing...some guys here dig it :rock:
Taking a huge shit and feeling 5 pounds liighter
Practicing with my band and nailing all the songs first time through
Finding the answer to really fucked up production questions on this forum
waking up after 4 hours of sleep and feeling great
first beer and cig after a long 12 hour day at work
Marcus, never used the forum while crapping because my wife wont let me use her notebook at the bathroom eheheh But i played guitar while crapping!

Drinking fresh orange juice is also a great pleasure.
Putting the finishing touches off on a record and sending it off to mastering.
Finally nailing that absurd 5-string neoclassical sweep passage.
Going down on a girl.
Buying something new you really wanted/needed for a long time.