Limit the # of times a band attends PP?

As long as the band kicks ass I don't think anyone should argue. As time goes on there will be a bigger selection so this may happen less and less but only time will tell. I trust Glenn and he has NEVER, I repeat NEVER disappointed me!!!!!
Se7enChurches said:
to the original poster, this is PoS's 3rd Progpower, not their 2nd.

I'm against capping the number of times a band can play Progpower. I think it will negatively impact the quality of Progpower to bar quality bands from performing "just because". It would also make Glenn's job a lot harder because he would have to round up 10 bands every year who are "relatively new" to progpower, and would not be able to fall back on bands with whom he's established strong ties over the years, which obviously came into play this year since either Edguy or PoS was a late replacement.
So keep 'em coming back, even though I'm no PoS fan and only marginally an Edguy fan (here's hoping they bring back their PPII game faces for PPVI; that performance was much more powerful than PPIV)

Ryan (oh, and on the subject of returning bands, Glenn, if you're not too busy ;) , can you go ahead and get Banx to settle his differences with Dirk, Stephen, Richie and Assy for an exclusive PPVI appearance? or hell, they didn't even have Assy there last time...)
and of course, the second time I said "Edguy" in that post, I meant "Evergrey". but you all knew that anyway...

(they share three whole letters in their names; this is difficult stuff to keep straight, people...)

You two are obviously not power metal fans then. I am, and I think Rage is awesome, especially live.
Last year at ProgPower I wasn't really familiar with most of Rage's material ( I am still ashamed of this ). I had only heard a few tracks off Ghosts.

I was very impressed with Rage's set at PPIV. Even though I was half asleep they woke me up and impressed the hell out of me. Then in Germany 2 months later I was lucky enough to see them for the second time. After another amazing performance, they had won me over. I went home and bought all their cds (and that is a lot of cds).

Unity and Soundchaser are probably 2 of the most solid power metal albums ever; most of their earlier cds are great too. But if you are not a power metal fan, you are not going to like them. But this doesn't mean they shouldn't come back. Hell, I have to sit ( or sleep as it was at PPIII) through bands like POS; you guys cans can sit through Rage.
I would rate Rage as the second Best show ever at any Progpower.

Some of you need to realize that different people are going to enjoy different stuff. There are a couple bands people on this baord rave about that i honestly think are horrible. But I dont try to advocate said bands from coming to progpower. There needs to be a mix of both styles.
If Rage had played about three more songs such as Refuge, Pilgrims Path, and whatever else, instead of the 20 min guitar / drum solo I would definitely rank that up there with Edguy's, performance as most "if you were there you got your ass handed to you" band .

Wishmaster said:
Balance of Power for PP6 :D

Now I'll second that!!! And actually I am a huge power metal fan. I love bands such as Helloween, Stratovarius, Heavenly, Gamma Ray, Freedom Call, Angra, Blind Guardian, Symphorce, Thunderstone (sort of), Stygma IV (incredible under-rated band).

I don't know, I just don't get it with Rage; their music doesn't capture me the way other power metal bands do.

Anyway, Yes to Balance of Power, and how about Stgma IV!!! These guys are from Austria I believe and have 5 solid albums out plus a live album. They would kick some serious ass at PP.