Line 6 Helix - pod replacement

Color me skeptical. This is the company that neglected to put loadable IRs in the POD HD series, refused to put out a 5150 sim until like two months ago and then had the fucking gall to charge people for it, and continues to refuse (last I checked) to use hz instead of percentages in their onboard EQs.
The real test will be whether the amp models are really better than the HD (I am skeptical).

Yes, it seems to be a fancy controller - they don't seem to talk much about the amp sims (although Line6 FXs are pretty good), rather how a bunch of burnt out guys approaching 40 sat in a room for 4 years scratching their heads on how to program a touch screen interface and some hardware switches.
The price is such bullshit :rofl:D First product to stand to modern standards at it cost about the same than an old ax fx, fucking ridicolous. Line 6 should be embracing the "poor man's" ax fx model instead of spitting on the idea of affordability... I though the Yamaha acquisition would change things... guess I was wrong lol
>can't wait for these to drop down to less than $500

so you're going to wait 6 years? :lol:
No offense, but I think the responses here are plain insane.

Line 6 releases a box with best-in-class display, UI, multi IR loading (up to four at full 1028 resolution), multi amps per patch, configurable stomp labels, brand new amp models, insanely configurable signal chain and multiple FX loops, Variax control, DAW control (!) and more powerful DSP...times 2....and it IS the foot controller.

And y'all think it should be a "poor man's Axe-FX" only barely more expensive than the HD500x, which has almost none of that?

Holy smokes, $1500 dollars?

Maybe this will actually be a legitimate competitor to the Kemper/Axe-FX and not just a failure that the Pod HD was, though they don't mention ALL NEW amp modelling technology like they typically would (ala HD series and we all know where that led).

It looks really nice though, but I am skeptical as its coming from Line 6.

Clever to ditch the Pod name IMO, they want to establish it as a more boutique amp modeller and everyone who is serious in music production knows the reputation the Pod series have nowadays.

I'll reserve my judgement when I get to hear clips, as always.
No offense, but I think the responses here are plain insane.

Line 6 releases a box with best-in-class display, UI, multi IR loading (up to four at full 1028 resolution), multi amps per patch, configurable stomp labels, brand new amp models, insanely configurable signal chain and multiple FX loops, Variax control, DAW control (!) and more powerful DSP...times 2....and it IS the foot controller.

And y'all think it should be a "poor man's Axe-FX" only barely more expensive than the HD500x, which has almost none of that?


Holy smokes, $1500 dollars?

Maybe this will actually be a legitimate competitor to the Kemper/Axe-FX and not just a failure that the Pod HD was, though they don't mention ALL NEW amp modelling technology like they typically would (ala HD series and we all know where that led).

It looks really nice though, but I am skeptical as its coming from Line 6.

Clever to ditch the Pod name IMO, they want to establish it as a more boutique amp modeller and everyone who is serious in music production knows the reputation the Pod series have nowadays.

I'll reserve my judgement when I get to hear clips, as always.

I do see Line 6 trying to branch out a bit here. In the old days, they had the middle of the line Flextone and high end AXSYS. It looks like they're trying to grab some of the high end market here. Whether or not they can, I'd be tempted to say they won't. They saturated the low end market a bit too much and found their niche there, and dragged their feet on innovation for WAY too long.
I've owned Xt live, podfarm 2 + metal shop and now HD 500x and enjoyed all of them until i recently bought hd metal pack with high expectation for it (especially for 5150 sim). OMFG how that pack sucks - 5150 sounded like hi definition fuzz distortion (totally not like even solid state amp distortion), although something about mids was right and if it wasn't portrayed as 5150 it could be grate distortion on it self.
Here is my primitive walk-through of critical FAILURE in pack (sorry for drony strumming, I was in bend over pod in not comfy way).

I hate EQ fx in HDs because they are super wide (would like at least 2 narrow Q cuts and it would be baller) AND all of them exept 1 distorts if put after amp (even almost silent amp drives EQ). That 1 is shift eq (4 band graphic with overall frequency shift) usable, but only for general tone shaping.

It shouldn't be a problem to make HDs with importable IRs (hell, I'd be happy even if I could import 4 IRs)

But that Helix price is some fucked up shit. 1500$ WTF! I'd better get some more money and buy Kemper.
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It looks amazing, let's hope it sounds as good. I think the price is fine if it delivers on sound. I have a kemper but I'd get one if its good. I've contemplated an axe fx for heavily effected, crazy tones, but there's something about the sound I can't stand. I think it's them delay and reverb modulation. You can pick it a mile away. Anyway fingers crossed.
It would obviously depend on how it sounds, but for me the price isn't that unreasonable considering you don't have to give $500 extra for a floorboard.
Can't wait to hear their hi gain samples from a guy trying to play "metal" with a stratocaster... :p
You'd think Line6 would be up on making some decent sounding demos by now, nobody wants to hear a terrible jimi hendrix tone over some trashy sounding drums for a unit that costs over a grand.

All they really needed to do was market a Kemper/Axe II level interface with decent tones for half the price to make a bucket load and they've failed miserably.
is $1500 the street price or retail price?

I'm sure the price will go way down from that in not too long and then be incredible value.

at $1500, I'd prefer a used axe fx + midi controller
You'd think Line6 would be up on making some decent sounding demos by now, nobody wants to hear a terrible jimi hendrix tone over some trashy sounding drums for a unit that costs over a grand.

All they really needed to do was market a Kemper/Axe II level interface with decent tones for half the price to make a bucket load and they've failed miserably.

I don't get your complaints. Isn't it objectively clear that they made a device FAR ABOVE the Kemper or Axe II level in terms of interface? I mean, having a configurable color LED above every switch, let alone a Galaxy Note-sized color display is far beyond what anyone else is doing with their modelers right now.

The tone and playing on that initial video was great, but it was also just a teaser. They still have two months to go - minimum - between now and release day. Just as movie studios release teasers, then a trailer, then a give-everything-away trailer...Line 6 needs to space out details, demos, and such just a little bit to sustain buzz.

As for the price being exorbitant, it far less than HALF the price of an Axe-FX XL ($2500) with a Liquid Foot Pro foot controller with configurable LEDs above every button ($1300).

$3800 vs. $1500. Yeah, what was Line 6 thinking by charging so damn much.....
I don't get your complaints. Isn't it objectively clear that they made a device FAR ABOVE the Kemper or Axe II level in terms of interface? I mean, having a configurable color LED above every switch, let alone a Galaxy Note-sized color display is far beyond what anyone else is doing with their modelers right now.

The tone and playing on that initial video was great, but it was also just a teaser. They still have two months to go - minimum - between now and release day. Just as movie studios release teasers, then a trailer, then a give-everything-away trailer...Line 6 needs to space out details, demos, and such just a little bit to sustain buzz.

As for the price being exorbitant, it far less than HALF the price of an Axe-FX XL ($2500) with a Liquid Foot Pro foot controller with configurable LEDs above every button ($1300).

$3800 vs. $1500. Yeah, what was Line 6 thinking by charging so damn much.....

By the way you talk seems that line 6 is paying you or you work for them because $1500 IT´S A FUCKING ROBBERY.