Linkin Park

Some heated discussion going on here. I'm with the guy that said that's how rumors get started. But fuck, if that's true that's pretty fucking poor in my book. I have wondered since their inception how it's possible to play their stuff without falling asleep, or performing daily mindless duties such as cleaning, or cooking your dinner at the same time. Lets face it, their stuff aint rocket science.
About the black metal comment, I'll agree. Started as a total trend, which is why it was my most hated form of metal for a good couple of years. But when most of them decided it was pretty cliche, the ones who wanted to continue to strive for notoriety dropped the image and actually started writing sick albums. i.e, Emperor, satyricon, then came Zyklon, Myrkskog e.t.c
Some of em still don the corpse paint, but it has seemed to be played down a great deal from how severe it started. Like it's normally just a white face, with a little bit of black. Immortal have completely stayed with their original image, and continue to explore the themes they set out to start. They are the only ones who I think it's kinda cool with, cause the faces you see them pull in promo's, the elaborate corpse paint, the lyrics. It fucking makes me laugh, me and my mate always make fun of it. But at the same time, we are about the biggest Immortal fans there are. I'm only really into their last 3 albums though. The only reason why Immortal are safe, and don't have to really worry about other aspiring bands copying their thing, is cause they simply couldn't get away with it. From the beggining Immortal never burned any churches, never sung about satan. Why, cause they weren't into it. Instead they made up this imaginary place(Blashyrk), and a whole host of concepts. Cause while they used the corpse paint, and belonged to the blackmetal genre. They didn't wanna be a nother clone burning churches, singing about how powerfull and mighty lord satan is. So if anyone tried to remotely copy what Immortal sing about, it would be spotted in an instant and the offendors would never live it down. Where as if you wanted to be a black metal band and sing about satan e.t.c, you wouldn't be copying a band.... you'd merely be copying a an idea that many bands have already done, and continue to do. That's why you still find bands doing it now, like Misanthrope said. That's why I respect Immortal, They made their own idea up..... apart from the whole corpse paint thing.
The fact remains, I will continue to stick to my own guidline. I don't give a fuck what a band wears, or sings about........ just so long as I think the music is inventive, creative, or has some other aspect I love. I'll listen. I listen to Morbid Angel not cause I worship satan, but cause I don't mind some of M.A's music. Deicide are another satanic band, I never listened to em though cause I think their shit.
Originally posted by enigma_nocurnus
The fact remains, I will continue to stick to my own guidline. I don't give a fuck what a band wears, or sings about........ just so long as I think the music is inventive, creative, or has some other aspect I love. I'll listen.
That's always been my view... I have more respect for a band who doesn't waste their time and effort trying to create an image, but instead put all their effort into producing nice quality music... Some bands manage to do both, but ultimately, it's the music that determines whether or not I'm going to listen to them...

(On a side note, I don't really consider long hair as being too image based, I mean, of course it really is, but it doesn't take a lot of effort to grow hair, much less put on some black clothes or whatever... Maybe that's hypocritical, I don't know... I'll take bald and naked if the music is still interesting, lol! *then again, maybe not...* :lol: )
Originally posted by enigma_nocurnus
Some heated discussion going on here. I'm with the guy that said that's how rumors get started. But fuck, if that's true that's pretty fucking poor in my book. I have wondered since their inception how it's possible to play their stuff without falling asleep, or performing daily mindless duties such as cleaning, or cooking your dinner at the same time. Lets face it, their stuff aint rocket science.
About the black metal comment, I'll agree. Started as a total trend, which is why it was my most hated form of metal for a good couple of years. But when most of them decided it was pretty cliche, the ones who wanted to continue to strive for notoriety dropped the image and actually started writing sick albums. i.e, Emperor, satyricon, then came Zyklon, Myrkskog e.t.c
Some of em still don the corpse paint, but it has seemed to be played down a great deal from how severe it started. Like it's normally just a white face, with a little bit of black. Immortal have completely stayed with their original image, and continue to explore the themes they set out to start. They are the only ones who I think it's kinda cool with, cause the faces you see them pull in promo's, the elaborate corpse paint, the lyrics. It fucking makes me laugh, me and my mate always make fun of it. But at the same time, we are about the biggest Immortal fans there are. I'm only really into their last 3 albums though. The only reason why Immortal are safe, and don't have to really worry about other aspiring bands copying their thing, is cause they simply couldn't get away with it. From the beggining Immortal never burned any churches, never sung about satan. Why, cause they weren't into it. Instead they made up this imaginary place(Blashyrk), and a whole host of concepts. Cause while they used the corpse paint, and belonged to the blackmetal genre. They didn't wanna be a nother clone burning churches, singing about how powerfull and mighty lord satan is. So if anyone tried to remotely copy what Immortal sing about, it would be spotted in an instant and the offendors would never live it down. Where as if you wanted to be a black metal band and sing about satan e.t.c, you wouldn't be copying a band.... you'd merely be copying a an idea that many bands have already done, and continue to do. That's why you still find bands doing it now, like Misanthrope said. That's why I respect Immortal, They made their own idea up..... apart from the whole corpse paint thing.
The fact remains, I will continue to stick to my own guidline. I don't give a fuck what a band wears, or sings about........ just so long as I think the music is inventive, creative, or has some other aspect I love. I'll listen. I listen to Morbid Angel not cause I worship satan, but cause I don't mind some of M.A's music. Deicide are another satanic band, I never listened to em though cause I think their shit.

Great post. BUT plz have some spaces and different lines. Then i wont need eye drops when i read it.
Linkin park is what we like to call, crap-core, or crap metal...i mean rap core, or rap metal. they are a bunch of guys who couldn't make it in the rap scene, because they weren't "hard" enouhg, so they tried to b ehard by going metal. and as we have all found out, that didn't work to well, because they are a bunch of pussy fools...that is just my thoughts on the matter.
Originally posted by whispersofaschizo
Linkin park is what we like to call, crap-core, or crap metal...i mean rap core, or rap metal. they are a bunch of guys who couldn't make it in the rap scene, because they weren't "hard" enouhg, so they tried to b ehard by going metal. and as we have all found out, that didn't work to well, because they are a bunch of pussy fools...that is just my thoughts on the matter.

Ignorant post of the day there, in my opinion. I've got a few things to say myself... and they are mainly in favor of Linkin Park, though I'm not a fan of theirs.

There's two ways to think of being a musician. As a profession, and as a lifestyle. When you think about music as a way of life, you're probably going to do what you want with your music and not care what people think of it as long as you get a kick out of it.

On the other hand, when music is just your job, you will tend to do what brings home the bacon(Or the Porsche). Music is not your life, it is the product you sell to the masses. When people create products to sell, I don't think they think of their products as God-given inspirations or instruments of self expression very often. They are just objects created in whatever manner will make them most attractive to their target group of consumers.

By this method of reasoning, it's possible to say that if Linkin Park consider music just their job, they are geniuses. They have taken rap, pop, and rock and managed to fuse them together into something that is appealing to the majority of the fans of those three types, something that is not often done.

Furthermore, if Linkin Park consider music not just a job but a lifestyle, they don't give a damn what we think of them because they are having fun... and having fun is something to be admired, at least in my opinion. Thus, either way you look at it, Linkin Park are fine in my book. You can think whatever you want... but this is my opinion on the matter.
Originally posted by JesterCircle

Ignorant post of the day there, in my opinion. I've got a few things to say myself... and they are mainly in favor of Linkin Park, though I'm not a fan of theirs.

There's two ways to think of being a musician. As a profession, and as a lifestyle. When you think about music as a way of life, you're probably going to do what you want with your music and not care what people think of it as long as you get a kick out of it.

BULLSHITS post of the day in my opinion.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

there is only one way to play music...

and is simply to play it but with

"heart and mind united in a single perfect sphere"(rush)

LP is SHIT!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
Originally posted by JesterCircle

Ignorant post of the day there, in my opinion. I've got a few things to say myself... and they are mainly in favor of Linkin Park, though I'm not a fan of theirs.

There's two ways to think of being a musician. As a profession, and as a lifestyle. When you think about music as a way of life, you're probably going to do what you want with your music and not care what people think of it as long as you get a kick out of it.

On the other hand, when music is just your job, you will tend to do what brings home the bacon(Or the Porsche). Music is not your life, it is the product you sell to the masses. When people create products to sell, I don't think they think of their products as God-given inspirations or instruments of self expression very often. They are just objects created in whatever manner will make them most attractive to their target group of consumers.

By this method of reasoning, it's possible to say that if Linkin Park consider music just their job, they are geniuses. They have taken rap, pop, and rock and managed to fuse them together into something that is appealing to the majority of the fans of those three types, something that is not often done.

Furthermore, if Linkin Park consider music not just a job but a lifestyle, they don't give a damn what we think of them because they are having fun... and having fun is something to be admired, at least in my opinion. Thus, either way you look at it, Linkin Park are fine in my book. You can think whatever you want... but this is my opinion on the matter.

Your ''opinion'' is fuckin stupid. And LP are not musicans. They are bicthes that cant even play there own riffs to their own songs. And they are newbie riffs newbie chords , they are a lame band.
"Your ''opinion'' is fuckin stupid"

Nobody's opinion is stupid, thats why we call them opinions. Personally, I think Jester's Circle is quite right. I think Linkin Park is crap as well, but they do what they do well, and that is create a comercial product that sells. They also have more money than everybody on this forum combined most likely. So they must have done something right in their BUSINESS (i stress business, as it isnt art, the main confusion point here)
I prefer to think of LP as poser-metal. It would be an insult to every true musician in the world to call LP musicians. If they can't even play their own songs, they have no right whatsoever to release an album. They should take some time to actually LEARN HOW TO FUCKING PLAY before they try to release an album (that sucked 100%) and perhaps they would have a bit more insight on what it means to be a musician. They obviously don't know the first thing about musicianship and they are just a bunch of assholes who like to cash in on the hundreds of mindless drones that buy their shit. I laughed ineffably the day my cousin bought their cd and I was astounded at the TOTAL LACK OF TALENT AND CREATIVITY that these assholes tried to push. I do agree that it is more about songwriting than playing ability but if you can't play for shit, then write your crappy as fuck songs (calling LP music is an insult to real music) and SELL THEM TO SOMEONE WHO CAN FUCKING PLAY! My cousin, of course, retaliated with the old "well can you play that?" and I picked up my guitar and nialed whatever the fuck the song was in a matter of seconds. That shut the motherfucker up! Now if only that could shut the fucking poser band up...
And by the way, money does not mean anything! All that money those assholes have gotten by fucking poor ignorant kids out of theirs is just shit. It will eventually rot their souls (although a poser millionaire doesn't are about his soul or he would be making quality music) and they'll get theirs in the end. The rest of us can rest easy and sleep at night knowing what little money we have came from very honest hard work, not stringing 2 fucking notes together and calling it music or fixing your fucked up voice in the studio and calling that singing.
Originally posted by Ibsen
And by the way, money does not mean anything! All that money those assholes have gotten by fucking poor ignorant kids out of theirs is just shit. It will eventually rot their souls (although a poser millionaire doesn't are about his soul or he would be making quality music) and they'll get theirs in the end. The rest of us can rest easy and sleep at night knowing what little money we have came from very honest hard work, not stringing 2 fucking notes together and calling it music or fixing your fucked up voice in the studio and calling that singing.

That was a GREAT post god damn... the really sad thing is that its true.
Many of the people on this board have got to be the touchiest and most arrogant guys I've ever seen... Linkin Park has no right to release an album? All of you seem to have forgotten something. AN ALBUM IS A PRODUCT. IT IS DESIGNED TO BE SOLD. MAKING MONEY IS THE SOLE PURPOSE OF RECORDING AND DISTRIBUTING CDS THROUGH STORES. Many people think of their music as the most important thing, and distribution is only to support themselves. THESE ARE ARTISTS. Others think of the money and fame first and the music second. THESE ARE BUSINESSMEN.

ARTISTS CREATE ART. ART IS SUBJECTIVE. That means that whoever views the art has the right to decide for themselves whether it is worthy or not. You people are disregarding that, which means that you do not respect art. Bastards.

BUSINESSMEN CREATE PRODUCTS. HOW GOOD A PRODUCT IS CAN BE DETERMINED SOLELY BY HOW MUCH MONEY IT BRINGS IN. That means that if a product brings in lots of money, it is a decent product. You people are disregarding that, which means your grasp on reality is nonexistent. Bastards.