List purely synth/electronic songs by metal bands !


I hate that supercow !
Dec 27, 2005
Burzum - Tomhet

Do you know any other that are worth checking out (preferably without any vocals - just synths) ?

ps. Absolutely no trance/disco allowed !!! :Puke: ;) :D
Kreator/Destroyer said:
oh yeah i just realized the guitars...i thought they were really awesome synth for a second then i remembered i play guitar and that's what it sounds like


"Rundgang um die transzendale Säule der Singularität" is good too.
The Red Guy was fucking awesome

Check out any post-Nattens Madrigal Ulver, as said before. They're my fav band, and their electronic work is incredible in my opinion
This thread confuses me. So you are looking for electronic songs that are worth checking out, but they have to be made by a metal band?

Are you that afraid to listen to anything outside of the metal genre?
PanzerKunt said:
It's electronica mind you, not that epic synth crap.

yeah listen to tangerine dream, klaus schülze, jean-michel jarre, vangelis etc for "epic synth crap"
This thread confuses me. So you are looking for electronic songs that are worth checking out, but they have to be made by a metal band?

Yes, because i'm in a mood for something different but not too different.

Are you that afraid to listen to anything outside of the metal genre?

No I listen to many other genres (rock, classical (Bach,Beethoven,Wagner), movie soundtracks, dark ambient ,electronica (Jarre, Vangelis) and even some 80s and 90s pop hits).
Spectacular Views said:
yeah listen to tangerine dream, klaus schülze, jean-michel jarre, vangelis etc for "epic synth crap"
wow, someone else that knows klaus schulze :rock:
pete namlook & bill laswell are good too.