list your pres

stepped inputs? pfft thats what i want

what pre's are you running your overheads into
Generally flick between the Isa428 and the Tg2 depending on what mood I'm in!
Just because they have stepped inputs and an output trim; both of which the API lacks.(but i still love it)
Motu Ultralite (2pres)
Golden Age Pre73
Saving for UA solo/610

How do you like that one, and what do you use it for mainly? I've seen it pop up in discussions over and over, seems like it might be a cool addition to the studio!

I haven't had too much time with it to play but I've done a couple of scratch vocal tracks with a beaten 58 (hardcore vox) and from A/Bing with same mic with and without the pre it actually makes the 58 passable.

Also had a quick spin on a guide guitar, not a ESP with EMGs fortunately, but a hollowbody with very dark pups and once again was a vase improvement using the pres DI

Like them or not the Motu pre are quite clean and maybe a little lifeless at times, so this ilittle bit of kit I hope, with further testing will add a bit of life and colour so I'm happy so far.
2 channels of Phoenix Audio DRS-Q4
2 channels of API A2D
8 channels of Focusrite ISA828
1 channel of ISA220 (usually used as eq/comp via line in)
8 channels of Yamaha 01v96 (for guide tracks)
8 channels of Behringer ada8000 for triggers

I went on a preamp shopping spree about a year ago.
Everything is digital to an RME digiface with very low latency clocked with a mutec clock.
I plan to get a few more two channel pres to replace ISA828 channels (even though they are very good pres). I can insert just before the converter on it.
Top of the list are a neve 1073dpa and a great river 2 channel. I am also after a really good 1 or 2 channel parametric eq for the API pres.
you're 1/2 way there, really, since the GR is really a modernized neve design

get the crane song and and some APIs and you'd be set, holmes
The sweet thing about the Spider is that while it only has 8 preamps it's actually a 8 + 2 channel A/D. You can access the extra 2 channels through the inserts and use them for extra pres through the SPDIF output. My SCA preamps stay hooked up all the time.

I love that thing.
Right now....
Digi002 (bla tweakhead mod)
Presonus adl 600
Behringer ada8000 (for triggers and stuff)
Sm pro (some cheap ass 4 channel mic pre's)

I think I'm going to go with the rme adi 8 for my a/d converters through lightpipe and ditch the behringer ada8000. Then I can run a bunch of sick preamps with great a/d. If I'm feeling crafty with the old soldering iron i might do like 8 channels of the Seventh circle audio stuff.
Right now....
Digi002 (bla tweakhead mod)
Presonus adl 600
Behringer ada8000 (for triggers and stuff)
Sm pro (some cheap ass 4 channel mic pre's)

I think I'm going to go with the rme adi 8 for my a/d converters through lightpipe and ditch the behringer ada8000. Then I can run a bunch of sick preamps with great a/d. If I'm feeling crafty with the old soldering iron i might do like 8 channels of the Seventh circle audio stuff.

i've heard modding an 003 isn't all that worth it for the improvement, but i've also heard that the 003 has much better pre's/converters than the 002... and i own an 002 board (not rack)... wuddaya think josh, worth the cash?