It's pretty damn cool actually, in an Kreator/Sepultura kinda way. The riffs in particullar sound really good, and you did a good job on the drums! I didn't really care much for the vocals, though (sorry mike), as I get the impression that they've been done by a guy in puberty. Then again, Metallica got away with it, so I guess you can too!

I'll listen to the second track now.
I'm just now realizing how much Hell Mike sounds like David Vincent circa 1989. Not identical, but similar. That's a good thing. This is a new drummer, aye? If not, he has greatly improved.

This is some good shit! Looking forward to hearing the mastered versions.
The drummer does sound better than in the past.

I'll be interested in hearing the final version.

My only complaint is that the short intro section on the first one sounded a little generic. It still wasn't that bad though. Oh . . . and I'd like to hear Hell Mike do some hardcore bellowing.:lol:
Just listened to the second track, and I love that main riff! :kickass:

You guys have improved so fucking much! I bet "Blade of the Reaper" would be spectacular live, if the majority of the audience knew before-hand!

i'm pretty busy listening to the Cds I just got from TER, but I gave a quick listen to your stuff and it's pretty good shit! Funny, I always thought you were into some black metal project à la falkenbach or primordial :confused:
AsModEe said:
i'm pretty busy listening to the Cds I just got from TER, but I gave a quick listen to your stuff and it's pretty good shit! Funny, I always thought you were into some black metal project à la falkenbach or primordial :confused:

Nasheim? Different band...