Listen to these uploads...

They aren't labelled?! I thought I was listening to my favorite band @$)*&F*OUI$@KL)*$OIU for a second!

Spirit Caravan rocks btw, and that Eyes of Fire was pretty alright. Arcane Sun on right now.
it's more fun this way, because I can try to find a hardcore song, not name the band, and then have all the hardcore haters saying they like it, and then surprise!!!!!!!!
J. said:
it's more fun this way, because I can try to find a hardcore song, not name the band, and then have all the hardcore haters saying they like it, and then surprise!!!!!!!!
hahahahaha nicely done.

This Arcane Sun is pretty cool, I can tell it would take a number of listens to truly enjoy. The dude almost has a Danzig howl to his voice. When he's not screaming that is.
Doomcifer said:
NAD, did you get my 3 cd-r's I sent you a couple weeks ago? wtf
No! I checked my mail 2 days ago, haven't seen them. Sounds like something fishy, and by fishy I mean GAY.
By GAY I meant GHEY, yes. And by GHEY I mean "makes me want to hatchet the femailman."
I check my mail like twice a week, if I check it everyday I get all pissed off because it's like BILLS BILLS ADS BULLSHIT BILLS then one day maybe a magazine or CD or something. If I check it once a week I get to chuck all my bills in one sitting AND I get a new Playboy, Car and Driver, or CD at the same time! It's like Christmas when you're a little kid, getting flannel shirts ain't so bad if there's a Transformer there too. :headbang:

So do fans of Agalloch totally nut over Arcane Sun? This song is very fucking good. I need to get this, but I suppose I already knew that.