Listening equipment thread


Rabi Rape 3!
Nov 30, 2006
Israel, Haifa
kewl thread

Great audio equipment forum, for all those who wish to listen to their music with a bit more then cheap computer speakers. Enjoy^^

now, this thread is mainly to find out about the forum's listening equipment. As i begun with stock Creative headphones which came with my player, i found it crappy. I upgraded, and today i have the etymotic reaserch er-6i.

In Ear monitors, they seal up your ear canal and block out any outside noise (only if you manage getting a good fit, if you don't they'll sound like shit).

I love them aLOT, and you can hear amazing details in many opeth songs, that you'd never hear anywhere.

So after i spilled a lot of crap about my earphones, what about you guys?0:
I listen my cd's and computer stuff through an NAD amplifier connected to some old B&W speakers. The sound is great although sometimes my right speaker stutters, shifting the volume higher and lower again or switching the 'soft clipping' back and forth sometimes helps. Furthermore, I have (also quite old) Sennheiser HD565 Ovation headphones, which also give a great sound.

So, not the best stuff but quite probably above-average.
sounds nice ^^, my computer speakers are some 10$ creatives which totally suck.. only my portable setups is above average audio equipment, though i belive0:
I do more listening on headphones than I'd like to. It's the nature of having napping babies...

I got a really nice-sounding pair of headphones recently: AKG K240S

Very flat sounding, which is what I aim for. I want to hear what the band and the studio folks did, not what my listening gear is adding. They're pretty revealing. I got 'em for $99, and I see they cost more now, but still a bargain for what you get.

When I can, I listen on my Paradigm Titans. Fucking gorgeous, and unbelievable for the price. Really superb. I listen through a Yamaha amp, typically in direct monitor mode (bypassing non-essentail amp circuitry), digital outs of the CD player. Again, I want the least fucked with sound possible. Great for listening to classical.

When watching movies (god...who knew having kids meant never watching movies again?) I have 5.0 surround, with my Paradigm cc 170 center and Paradigm ADP 170 dipole surrounds (where I pinched pennies, tbh). Good, good stuff. Oh yeah, and a Polk subwoofer... forget the model. Got it for a steal open box, though (as I did with the receiver, actually).

Think that covers it.... Oh, and some surprisingly good Harmon/Kardon computer speakers... don't know the model off-hand...
I have a Harman Kardon HK660 amp, that until recently was connected to a set of Dali 109 speakers, but I replaced them with a couple of Argon speakers, because the Dalis were too big for our new livingroom. The Argons don't have nearly as good bass as the Dalis, but the sound is actually a bit clearer. I'm considering buying a NAD 5.1/7.1 amp sometime in the not too distant future.

Most of the time however, due to the kids and commuting, I use headphones, either connected to the computer or my ipod. The headphones I use are Koss PortaPro, or Koss Sparkplug. They both have a really clear sound and nice bass for their size and price.
Well, in a different thread, I rated these ear-speakers above all others...

The Opeth of headphone imho, I have 2 pairs of low bias Stax Sigma, one pair for listening tother for upgrading like in the article above.

A bit disappointed with SDave :( I thought he was going to audition some stax ear-speakers, the AKG ones you settled for are crude and compressed sounding as are most other h/phones by comparison.

As the OP said, head-fi is a useful resourse for headphone listeners, this forum, "pink fish mafia" is also a useful resource for all other domestic listening...

Checkout the classic audio thread to see where my head is at. hehehe

There are some very helpful posters in there and if your into acerbic wit, check out the mana threads. :lol: some ppl are such sore losers, imo.

@Arjen, Junk that sad 3020, it will eventually fry your speakers, REALLY!

NAD means, "New Acoustic Dimension" laughs, any old amp from the classic era trounces em.
A bit disappointed with SDave :( I thought he was going to audition some stax ear-speakers, the AKG ones you settled for are crude and compressed sounding as are most other h/phones by comparison.

You're disappointed? Think how I feel! Repeat after me: Soundave is a stay at home dad. This = poor. :( As an audio lover, I am ALWAYS making sacrifices... it kind of sucks to appreciate quality sometimes, you know?
I use my studio monitors for nearly all of my listening at home. It's something done for practicality as well as professional reasons. I like to be entirely in-tune and calibrated to my monitoring system, so when it comes time for me to mix, I know how my playback system is coloring the program material.

It's basically just this:


No acoustic treatment at the moment either, since it's a rented place. I'm not really sure how things will go, but if I move out and get a place of my own, it seems likely I'll have a control room built, where I'll likely do my listening from there on.
I upgraded, and today i have the etymotic reaserch er-6i.

In Ear monitors, they seal up your ear canal and block out any outside noise (only if you manage getting a good fit, if you don't they'll sound like shit).

I love them aLOT, and you can hear amazing details in many opeth songs, that you'd never hear anywhere.

So after i spilled a lot of crap about my earphones, what about you guys?0:

I personally dont like those... it sort of like putting your finger in your ear...

i have two sets of head phones, one Philips something, bought for 5 euro's 4 years ago, and im still amazed how good they are, especially for 5 euro's.
another set i bought a month ago, by Sony, for 80 PLN i belive which are approx. 20 Euros, and they have a really good bass (yesterday ive heard Sabbath' planet caravan. WOW!)
@Arjen, Junk that sad 3020, it will eventually fry your speakers, REALLY!

NAD means, "New Acoustic Dimension" laughs, any old amp from the classic era trounces em.

Hmm, I'm not sure. I have the 304 amp, sometimes it will work beautifully for hours straight and sometimes it will crap for 15 minutes or so. I'm not sure if it's bad for the speakers, but I will think of a solution sometime. It's pretty old stuff anyway. I'm thinking of doing something like Moonlapse has, just using studio monitors for everything since I also do a fair bit of recording/mixing etc.

Some pics for amusment's sake:


My setup. Currently have my laptop on my monitor stand so my other monitors are on the speakers, haha.


My amp and CD player.


My speakers and headphone.
^ Sounds like you have an intermitent grounding / earthing or open circuit problem. :erk: possibly in the circuit boards somewhere, you could bring it over for me to check it over. :lol:

Seriously, the 304 is a later incarnation of the 3020, a generic class B 2ch amp, they're ok for what your using it as, nice piccy's btw. :)

It will damage your woofs and tweets eventually. :(

Check this gramophone comedy sketch on youtube...

Gawd, I used to do that job in a previous life. :oops:

@soundave, sure man, been there - the children, stay well.
^ Sounds like you have an intermitent grounding / earthing or open circuit problem. :erk: possibly in the circuit boards somewhere, you could bring it over for me to check it over. :lol:

Yes, it could very well be something like that. Maybe I'll open it up sometime and see if I can indentify a problem (although I don't really know what to look for, but might be something obvious?).

Seriously, the 304 is a later incarnation of the 3020, a generic class B 2ch amp, they're ok for what your using it as, nice piccy's btw. :)

Hehe alright, I don't really know much about this amp since I got it from my dad when he bought a new one for himself.

It will damage your woofs and tweets eventually. :(

Hmm, that's no good... I'll use my headphones for now.

Check this gramophone comedy sketch on youtube...

Gawd, I used to do that job in a previous life. :oops:

Cool thread.
Some neat stuff.
Here's mine-

Speakers (Set 1) - Klipsch Heresys (original)
Speakers (Set 2) - Technics SB-SL901 (big woofers to offset the Heresys' weakness)
Amp 1 - Grommes tube amp worked on by the Master (
Amp 2 - Denon DRA-275R
Cassette Deck - Nakamichi DR-3
Equalizer - Saunsui SE-88
Turntable - Pioneer PL-500
CD/DVD/VHS - Samsung Piece O' Crap

Would kinda like to try the studio monitor route sometime or maybe build something.
I personally dont like those... it sort of like putting your finger in your ear...

i have two sets of head phones, one Philips something, bought for 5 euro's 4 years ago, and im still amazed how good they are, especially for 5 euro's.
another set i bought a month ago, by Sony, for 80 PLN i belive which are approx. 20 Euros, and they have a really good bass (yesterday ive heard Sabbath' planet caravan. WOW!)

dude, philips and sony aren't considered.. well, anything in the audio world.

You should consider upgrading, or just enjoying the fact that you don't care much for sound quality! It sucks not enjoying bad audio (on tv etc..)
wow....moonlapse and Arjen.....killer setups....i bet they sound aweosme...plsu tehy look relaly nice too...!!!! for me....yeah I got ure run of teh mill pretty crappy computer speakers...altec lansing or something...!!!!...nothing major.....and I usualyl listen to music through my cellphone....with jsut regular headphones...!!!!...nothgin major...though im inclined ot post a picture of my setup too...i replaced my guitar amp..witha toneport XT...!!!!...takes much less thread..!!!...PEAC EOUT