Listening to dance of death... the album...

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
OK, the verdict soooo far.... I'm not through it yet... actually just started it... lol (bloody stores don't open until 10 here and my NYC friend was teasing me, GRRRRRRRR)....


Wildest Dreams sounds like something left over from a Def Leppard record... with better singing ;)
Not that I don't like it... sounds recycled
Rainmaker I totally dig. I heard this is going to be their next single and video, can't wait to see the concept for this.
No More Lies is alright... but the chorus gets on MY NERVES!!! Ok, enough with the Clansman type intros... (Don't get me wrong, the Clansman is great...) That's all I have to complain about, the intro and chorus.. the lyric is great
Montsegur starts JUST LIKE Losfer Words (not a bad thing... but what happened to staying fresh?)
I can do without Dance of Death the song...
Age of Innocence....
The riffing is heavy, the lyrics I dig... the chorus sounds lifted from Tattooed Millionaire, Bruce's first solo effort....Not bad, different...
So far the only low-light for me is the title track and the chorus of No More Lies... other than that, this is better than BNW, and perhaps the best Maiden record since.... SSoaSS
GREAT CLOSER... maybe Steve should have allowed Bruce to do acoustic tunes for SiT... this is one beautiful tune....

"In your life, you may choose desolation
And the shadows you build with your hands.
If you turn to the light, that is burning in the night,
Then your Journeyman's day has begun"

Great line.... I hope Maiden performs this live
Keyser Soze said:
This is MY thread :)

Not anymore! :Smug:

...What happened to staying fresh?"

If that's a complaint here, the same could be said for Harry's bass work on BNW. Did we really need the galloping bassline on 8 of the 10 tracks on that album? :ill:

I'm listening to the new album before I head off to math class. I'll post my reviews of it after I get home from seeing Kiss on the IMAX tonight. (I know a few of you won't be there since you'll be at the Galaxy without me for Skolnick & Co. :erk: :p :loco: )
Thanks for the review. I will be picking up the album after work at Best Buy ($11.99). The only song I heard was Wildest Dreams which I did not care for, especially the chorus. If you had said "THIS SONG ROCKS!", I would be sceptacle. But since you praised a bunch of songs after it, it is probably worth it.
SergeantD1 said:
Wait a minute, there is more than 1 song that sounds like Blood Brothers? I sure hope not, 1 time was enough.

lol, like Blood Brothers in a good way...
one drawback I forgot to mention... some of these songs give Janick a reason to march and dance... I think I'll just look at Steve and Bruce
my fav song on it is paschendale, there heaviest song ive herd, bruce almost growls on it, how can u beat that, all in all, not a horrible record, but i dont think it will ever be able to rank up there with there classics, i.e iron maiden, number of the beast powerslave and so on and so forth.