Listening to music that directly defies Christianity misunderstood me. i meant, even if you aren't offended by a "swear word", other people are, so it is a good idea not to use them. just throwing that out there.
oh! haha :tickled: yeah, i don't think swearing is good, and i don't swear, or encourage others to, but i just don't mind it so much in media
Kind of off topic, but...

You know, I wish it wasn't so hard to find good black metal bands that aren't anti-Christian. (Aside from "unblack", since most of that is unoriginal and dull.) The only one I've found and enjoy is Stormlord (I really like symphonic black metal), and even with them it can be kind of borderline. I've been looking into viking metal, but that often crosses the line as well. Any suggestions?

If you are looking for Black Metal that is NOT anti-Christian, you are in for a looong search. Black Metal got its name for a reason -- it is the complete opposite of any religious based music. As a person of faith and also as a promoter who has booked many Black Metal acts, I have a real problem with any band that calls themselves "Christian Black Metal" -- the terms cannot exist side by side. It would be like saying "Christian Prostitute" or "Christian Murderer" -- it cannot exist.

As far as your query goes, like most musical genres, there are bands that do not always follow all of the rules. I guess the first band that immediately pops into my head is IMMORTAL. While some of their imagery contains the upside down crosses, IMMORTAL's music never really mentions Satan, it's just a more generic demonic evil that finds victory throughout their stories and mysticism. IMMORTAL has taken a lot of grief from the elitist Black Metal underground for this very reason.

WOODS OF YPRES would be another band to check out although they are really more doom than black metal and use more clean vocals than black.

BAL-SAGOTH would be another band to check out. They are sort of like a Black Metal Rhapsody -- they have these epic sorts of stories and they are very melodic/symphonic but yet with Black Metal vocals. They are regarded as more of a joke with the BM underground but as a power metal guy, I find them quite enjoyable.

I've always enjoyed ENSLAVED although they have strong Pagan tendencies which may or may not disturb you.

NAGLFAR has lyrics similar to IMMORTAL and you might enjoy that.

Those are the very few that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm hardly a black metal expert, so I'm sure there are others out there that can give a better more complete list. Again, I say that Black Metal has its name for a reason so don't be surprised if you end up having a very small selection to choose from.

Kind of off topic, but...

You know, I wish it wasn't so hard to find good black metal bands that aren't anti-Christian. (Aside from "unblack", since most of that is unoriginal and dull.) The only one I've found and enjoy is Stormlord (I really like symphonic black metal), and even with them it can be kind of borderline. I've been looking into viking metal, but that often crosses the line as well. Any suggestions?

You could look into Slechtvalk. I'm not into black metal and I have no idea if this it is unoriginal or dull (I'm not even sure if it's black, lol).

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Here's an idea...if you're up for an afternoon filled with tedious searching.

Register at
Use advanced search.
Type in "Christianity" in Lyrical themes.
Type in "Black metal" as far as genre is concerned.

Search away.


Do variations :D

Also if you'd wish to elude the bands stuck on demos and EPs set it up as they have at least one full length release. Ignore the Anti-Christianity themed bands, yeah :D

Find new bands...
If you are looking for Black Metal that is NOT anti-Christian, you are in for a looong search. Black Metal got its name for a reason -- it is the complete opposite of any religious based music. As a person of faith and also as a promoter who has booked many Black Metal acts, I have a real problem with any band that calls themselves "Christian Black Metal" -- the terms cannot exist side by side. It would be like saying "Christian Prostitute" or "Christian Murderer" -- it cannot exist.

As far as your query goes, like most musical genres, there are bands that do not always follow all of the rules. I guess the first band that immediately pops into my head is IMMORTAL. While some of their imagery contains the upside down crosses, IMMORTAL's music never really mentions Satan, it's just a more generic demonic evil that finds victory throughout their stories and mysticism. IMMORTAL has taken a lot of grief from the elitist Black Metal underground for this very reason.

WOODS OF YPRES would be another band to check out although they are really more doom than black metal and use more clean vocals than black.

BAL-SAGOTH would be another band to check out. They are sort of like a Black Metal Rhapsody -- they have these epic sorts of stories and they are very melodic/symphonic but yet with Black Metal vocals. They are regarded as more of a joke with the BM underground but as a power metal guy, I find them quite enjoyable.

I've always enjoyed ENSLAVED although they have strong Pagan tendencies which may or may not disturb you.

NAGLFAR has lyrics similar to IMMORTAL and you might enjoy that.

Those are the very few that I can think of off the top of my head. I'm hardly a black metal expert, so I'm sure there are others out there that can give a better more complete list. Again, I say that Black Metal has its name for a reason so don't be surprised if you end up having a very small selection to choose from.


Immortal is okay; I'm not going to get into them because it makes me just a little bit too uncomfortable.

Woods of Ypres, I might enjoy. I'm not a huge doom metal fan, but it can be pretty good sometimes.

As a huge Rhapsody of Fire fan, I'm almost certainly going to try to listen to Bal-Sagoth some time. They seem very enjoyable.

I've been considering getting into Enslaved, because I like the concept of viking metal; the pagan stuff doesn't really bother me, as long as it doesn't start being specifically anti-Christian. Folklore and stuff is fine.

You could look into Slechtvalk. I'm not into black metal and I have no idea if this it is unoriginal or dull (I'm not even sure if it's black, lol).

This sounds pretty good. Metal Archives says they're Christian, but I'm not seeing much of it in their lyrics, especially their most recent ones.
Metal Archives says they're Christian, but I'm not seeing much of it in their lyrics, especially their most recent ones.

In A Forlorn Throne I see links with the Book of Judges. The first song would be from the perspective of the enemy, the others telling of what happened to the people, also on a personal level, with links to modern day life, and the reasons, sorrow, regret, even with links to paganism (as in the Book of Judges). The last song is the restoring victory. Basically the rithm of the Book of Judges.
(These lines are key in the first song: Their overconfidence led to their doom
Trying to defeat me without their king.)
This is an interesting point, and let me ad something, I live in a spanish speaking country and not everybody listen or understand English, so: the lyrics in English can afect me? I get this asked me many times, if the message is in an unknown languaje does it count? what do you think?
This is an interesting point, and let me ad something, I live in a spanish speaking country and not everybody listen or understand English, so: the lyrics in English can afect me? I get this asked me many times, if the message is in an unknown languaje does it count? what do you think?

Sounds like it is with me and Rammstein...people tell me their vulgar and evil, but I can't understand the German lyrics, so I just enjoy the music! I kinda like listening to music that's in a different language, because It gives me a better opportunity to enjoy it for the music without subconsciously paying attention to the songs lyrics.
Sounds like it is with me and Rammstein...people tell me their vulgar and evil, but I can't understand the German lyrics, so I just enjoy the music! I kinda like listening to music that's in a different language, because It gives me a better opportunity to enjoy it for the music without subconsciously paying attention to the songs lyrics.

I really like listening to music in other languages, but more for aesthetic value. For example, even though most traditional black metal bands have most of their lyrics in Norwegian (on an unrelated note, one of my favorite languages to listen to), I still don't want to hear it. Because I still know, generally, what they're saying.
well the thing is: i dont´understand what they are singing, so it don´t affect me and that´s okay in one hand, but, what if the lirycs, even if I don´t understand it, are praising tha satan´s name instead Jesus name? is that okay?.

If the message is not against God and it is in other language, to me the voice is like another instrument! i am not a puritan but it is kind of "risk" do you know what I mean?
My thoughts on that are this. No matter what language it is, if it's praising Satan, it should be avoided. Simply because of the spirit behind it all. That's the point of not listening to the same stuff in English. Because of the spirit behind the lyrics AND music.
that's the point! if you are not sure about it, it´s better not listen it, in that case you can hear to what you know, besides now the Christian Metal has excelent bands in different genres, and there are good bands nor cristian niether in the satanic side!
I am not Christian but even I have trouble with the "Hail Satan" music. Slayer isn't serious about it so I can tolerate them. Mayhem, Burzum, Immortal, and a few other black metal bands are good and I understand their actions against the church there, not that I support them. It just seems immature to listen to "devil worshiping" music honestly. Its not the greatest to begin with, and the lyrics just seem childish as if they don't believe in, or hate, God then why be a Satanist and acknowledge that God is almighty and so on? I have the same problem with some Christian bands as well, though bands like Theocracy I can listen to as they put in a Christian message but it is interpreted so even non-believers can use it to pick themselves up and get back in the great game of life. Its inspirational, not just Christian~
Sounds like it is with me and Rammstein...people tell me their vulgar and evil, but I can't understand the German lyrics, so I just enjoy the music! I kinda like listening to music that's in a different language, because It gives me a better opportunity to enjoy it for the music without subconsciously paying attention to the songs lyrics.

WHAT? Rammstein is vulgar but evil? No. They are little kids German! Its meant to sound cool, not be an actual German song!
I am not Christian but even I have trouble with the "Hail Satan" music. Slayer isn't serious about it so I can tolerate them. Mayhem, Burzum, Immortal, and a few other black metal bands are good and I understand their actions against the church there, not that I support them. It just seems immature to listen to "devil worshiping" music honestly. Its not the greatest to begin with, and the lyrics just seem childish as if they don't believe in, or hate, God then why be a Satanist and acknowledge that God is almighty and so on? I have the same problem with some Christian bands as well, though bands like Theocracy I can listen to as they put in a Christian message but it is interpreted so even non-believers can use it to pick themselves up and get back in the great game of life. Its inspirational, not just Christian~

Been a long time since I've been on UM, so hello to anyone I did know, or any new people.

That outta the way, I'm not a Christian either however I see no problem with any of this, why? Well if the religious want their message out there, the other is completely fair game. I don't think many of these bands do this for any other reason than to defy Christianity, and I understand that. Society becoming more and more secular does just this, anytime you have a religion trying to make their ideas into law you'll get this reaction, music, movies, books, etc.
As far as Christian black metal goes, I like the following bands:

Crimson Moonlight
Frost Like Ashes (sometimes)

There are a few others, but I haven't really looked into Christian BM in a long time.