Listening to music that directly defies Christianity

Yes I know. :) There is what might be called a religion involved in Christianity, but it does not exist for its own sake. I worship God because a) I owe it to him, and b) I want to adore Him, because I love Him. It is relational, not "religious" in the sense of doing something repeatedly for no apparent purpose.
i enjoy Edguy and Dio, but sometimes i'll be listening to one of their brilliantly executed songs, and i'll hear some well-delivered lines and say "hold on, what did he just say?"
i even sometimes have a hard time listening to Rob Rock just because of his eschatological views pushed in the lyrics that i don't agree with anymore
heck sometimes i can't even listen to "lay the demon to rest" because i don't entirely agree with it theologically anymore, though sometimes i get past that just for some epic headbanging

"The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked." (Jeremiah 17:9)
not trying to push this tangent far, but you've taken this out of context. it is specifically speaking of (the nation of) Judah. don't forget all the times where God has judged individuals throughout the Bible as having a pure heart, and a clean conscience, and the times that God has reckoned people righteous according to their faith.

back on topic:
i do try to be careful how much specifically anti-Christ music i listen to. Edguy's "pride of creation" for example, i can hardly stand to listen to, despite its good execution, i flat out find it offensive. how dare you mock my King? at the same time i think it's well worth the effort to have a heart of intercession for these bands.
Yes I know. :) There is what might be called a religion involved in Christianity, but it does not exist for its own sake. I worship God because a) I owe it to him, and b) I want to adore Him, because I love Him. It is relational, not "religious" in the sense of doing something repeatedly for no apparent purpose.

Well said. If I use a metaphor, I don't want to listen to music that defies my wife, the person which I love. And I don't need to listen to music that defies matrimony (I don't know if I used the right word, other suggestions of the dictionary are wedlock, married life and conjugality :)), since I'm happy being husband of my wife.

Even if the music was really good and I would feel that. ;)

It's really about the relations.

I seem to have started a theology debate... :)

Well it is clear to me since it says "the human heart" that it is talking about human hearts in general. But I just double checked what you said to make sure, and the verse is contextually talking about all humans, and then applying it specifically to Judah. The message of that passage is that because our hearts are wicked, we need God, who can see through our self-deceit. I can't see any reason why this passage would suggest that only the hearts of those in Judah are evil. It says "all who have turned away", and that would mean all of us. Only when we have been saved will God mend our deceitful hearts.
To add to what was said, the only people in the Bible to be said to not be wicked are the ones who live by and of God - reinforcing the point that the Hunan heart is wicked and only God has the power to overcome it.
To add to what was said, the only people in the Bible to be said to not be wicked are the ones who live by and of God - reinforcing the point that the Hunan heart is wicked and only God has the power to overcome it.

I wasn't present in the discussion so far, so I don't know what's been said so far.
I disagree with you, if we're all created in God's image then we were made by good, to do good.
Evil tainted us, it's just how it goes, none of us are wicked to begin with.
Wait, a heart is wicked? But a heart only pumps blood, giving life. Does this mean life is wicked, if some god asking life for worship would make the said deity wicked in return. Just following through this logically.
Uh's really obvious here, of course, that we are not talking about an organ in the body. :)

The Bible uses plain, everyday language and imagery just like you and I do. When someone says, "You broke my heart!" we don't get confused and ask them how they could still be alive if their heart was broken.

(Why am I even responding to this? You've got to be joking with me here.)
Uh's really obvious here, of course, that we are not talking about an organ in the body. :)

The Bible uses plain, everyday language and imagery just like you and I do. When someone says, "You broke my heart!" we don't get confused and ask them how they could still be alive if their heart was broken.

(Why am I even responding to this? You've got to be joking with me here.)

hahaha, ya caught me poking fun at that. Yes, some phrases sound way way way too much like propaganda slogans to me, and thus I can't take them seriously. Just me I know. lol

To be honest about the topic currently the only bands I know of that have Christian themes I know of that I listen to are Cage, and Theocracy. Not that I pay attention to the lyrics first either. For the people who were talking about Rammstein.....I would say there's a few songs that are pretty vulgar. lol
Wait, a heart is wicked? But a heart only pumps blood, giving life. Does this mean life is wicked, if some god asking life for worship would make the said deity wicked in return. Just following through this logically.

God doesn't ask life for worship, God gives life for worship.
This topic are Interesting!!! , but going back to the begining... I think... the way I see it, there are 4 points from where a Christian band can focus:
1) Evangelism (they preach you about God and his give of Salvation)
2) Positive in life ( how to be a better person in general)
3) Edification (I dont know if that word exists, but it is about your life after your salvation as Christians live is not over after accepting Jesuschrist as our savior, there are Holiness and a race to be like our role model, Jesus, beside we have To evangelize)
4) Praise to the Lord!!! (do i have to explain this?)

If a Christian Metal Band focus just in one it can be... borring
Not true, when free will is considered. I believe humanity was created to love God, and sin was allowed to happen to give us a choice - for if there isn't a choice, the love isn't genuine.

So, for humanity to have been created to worship, there must be some that do not worship, else it would be slavery, not worship.
Not true, when free will is considered. I believe humanity was created to love God, and sin was allowed to happen to give us a choice - for if there isn't a choice, the love isn't genuine.

So, for humanity to have been created to worship, there must be some that do not worship, else it would be slavery, not worship.

Free will is circular reasoning. And my statement is a fact, Life does exist even when people do not believe in a deity. I have no belief in a deity, do I exist or am I part of ALL of your imaginations?

Thus the argument is a post hoc hypothesis. Also, you're anthropomorphizing god, making him human like with emotions. Created to worship, worship for reward, or in fear of punishement, this is circular among other fallacies.

Not trying to argue, but I do like to inject logic any these discussions. I apologize for any offense.
Free will is circular reasoning. And my statement is a fact, Life does exist even when people do not believe in a deity. I have no belief in a deity, do I exist or am I part of ALL of your imaginations?

Thus the argument is a post hoc hypothesis. Also, you're anthropomorphizing god, making him human like with emotions. Created to worship, worship for reward, or in fear of punishement, this is circular among other fallacies.

Not trying to argue, but I do like to inject logic any these discussions. I apologize for any offense.

Hahahaha! And no we are not Anthropomorphizing God. He, in fact, invented emotions. :p

And this is the worst part:

"I have no belief in a deity, do I exist or am I part of ALL of your imaginations?"

Umm... what are you talking about? Are you suggesting God would immediately remove you from the face of the earth? Because... that's not what he did in The Bible. The punishment for unbelief is saved for judgement day. Afterall, this world is temporary.

It's a rough topic to go into but you sort of went to the point that forced me to bring up such a topic.

Also... why are you trying to make your statements sound complex by throwing in "flashy" words? Hahaha! If your are such an intellectual, then please make VALID points... O.K.? If you are not going to make valid points then please use words that you know how to use with strength. One does not deserve to use such complexity in their words unless they know how to use them. It would be like a kid wielding a broadsword. :zzz:

I know this will probably all offend you but you did make some VERY INVALID "points". I suggest you make some valid ones... ;)
The God of the Bible does have emotions. And if you read more than the first half of my post, you'd see quite clearly people like you must exist that do not believe so that belief from those who do is legitimate.

And, sir logic, did you know astronomers are convinced the universe had a point of origin. What some uninformed individuals call the "big bang"
If anyone can satisfactorily explain the big bang in such a way that it doesn't violate the first law of thermodynamics, I will convert to atheism.
The God of the Bible does have emotions. And if you read more than the first half of my post, you'd see quite clearly people like you must exist that do not believe so that belief from those who do is legitimate.

And, sir logic, did you know astronomers are convinced the universe had a point of origin. What some uninformed individuals call the "big bang"
If anyone can satisfactorily explain the big bang in such a way that it doesn't violate the first law of thermodynamics, I will convert to atheism.

If this were Facebook I'd like that.