Listening to St. Anger

Definitely the most impressive thing they've done in a long, looooong time. But that's not necessarily saying much.

I agree totally, they have retook a lost path but there are many ther things more interesting like Carnut said to buy before thinking in the new Metallica endeavour.

As for them being part of the thrash resurgence I feel they come short, they could have come with a much more thrash/agressive album if they wanted to. They're not as fresh as the new Death Angel, not agressive enough like the new Testament and not classic enough like Fueled By Fire or Evile. I think they are probing the reaction of the audience to look what to do for the next album.
I never meant run for it, but I have to recognize they have improved a lot since "Metallica" and subsequent crap. In a couple of months it may worth to get it on eBay cheap. I don't find myself paying full price for it, this album is not redemption enough :heh:
You must support Lars and help him to buy a golden fence around his pool.
Album is pretty good,but today there are too many bands which are far way better.
Not too shabby. It's what I expected St. Anger to be. I'd say it's somewhere between Load, Black and touch of Justice.

Production is still pissing me off though. And the album is way too LOUD. A good return to form, but a remix and reamping could have made this such a better album.
Yeah, PM74, it is way too loud. You can't turn it up to a normal "cranked" level without it breaking up. I can't figure out how they could release it like this. I hope the actual copy of the cd is different, but I don't think it's going to be. The production is good can't really hear the bass though (as usual).

That being said...I like this album. IMO, there are 6 or 7 really good songs on it. I could take or leave the instrumental, but it does have some good moments riff-wise. After about 3 listens through, I think - unfortunately - that Unforgiven III is the weakest song. I only say unfortunately because it's such an easy target. All Nightmare Long kicks ass, as well as the first 2 tracks.
I don't think it's too bad of an album. I don't like it, but I think it's got a good sound. Everybody loves to hate St. Anger but for me I had heard it was unbarable a million times before I ever heard it. So I didn't have any expectations to be dashed.
Well, I've put my reputation on the line here before (if I have one), and said I don't think its that bad an album. I know its not great, and I know some legitimately just don't like it. But I think far more people dislike it simply because of the almost amazing wave of written negativity that flew through the Internet about it. There are some fine songs on it, Dirty Window for one. Also, I actually liked the raw sound against the concept of rehab, and the band going through so much change. It seemed more "naked" to me than it did poorly produced.

Songs on it that I think are good:
St. Anger
Dirty Window
The Unnamed Feeling
All Within My Hands

...and there are moments of brilliance in some of the other songs too. In "My World," when the lyric "Not only do I not know the answer, I don't even know what the question is," comes up, I get the goosebumpy thing.

Now, I know it's mostly fine. But it is not the trash can of an album people say it is. The Internet magnifies every thing by about 1000%. That is to say, mostly the people I see online hate it...I know a few people who like it, and in most cases they are people who don't frequent metal websites. Everyone I know who uses the web, hates it. That's not a very scientific study, but there ya go.

I've been reading reviews of The Crucible of Man of late, and you'd think it was just terrible by the opinions I'm seeing. It's not.

I agree with Soundmaster, in the future it will just be seen as something like Never Say die....nobody really trashes Sabbath about that one. And for the record, I like it. Speaking of Sabbath, tons of people trashed the artwork and production of Born Again at the time, but most people like it now.

Finally, I know it is a whole different thing, but I sometimes wonder if the original Garage Days album had come out in the Internet age, just how bad would people have trashed it? Master of Puppets was waaaay ahead of the curve, but then they put out an album of straight forward covers. I dare say a lot of folks would have said, "What the hell is this?" But it is remembered quite fondly...

Of course, some folks just plain don't like it, and that's cool too. But it is not a musical black hole, or otherwise abomination that it is referred to as.
You have balls of steel Ruben, I wouldn't touch St. Banger with a 100 foot pole. "Death Magnetic" is the best since AJFA, said that is not a great album, need some trimming, is not the best comeback for a band that have consistently producing crap for the last 20 years and frankly there are many better albums out there to spend the money on.
I always thought of ST. Anger as an ok record. The title track brings back fond memories as I remember singing it in many a Norae Bang (Korean Karoke) in Busan. Usually quite drunk. Anyheard, heard the 3 singles and some more off the stream. To me, it appears to be a return to form but I won't really know until I give it repeated listens.
Musically it's an ok record. The production is utterly horrible and makes the disc completely unlistenable for myself.

I remember hearing the world premiere of St. Anger (song) on WRIF back in 03 - about 2 weeks before the album came out - and turning the radio off after about a minute.

There are a few okay songs, but it's held back by the aforementioned production and abysmal lyric writing.
Sorry mate, the album is un-listenable. It is so stinkin' bad that it made me not listen to any Metallica since I heard it. I realize this is unfair, but nevertheless...
My opinion on St. Anger is this, there are good parts but overall it gets dragged down by songs that go on for way to long without going anywhere/being interesting. Take the title track, James couldn't write a second verse? Repetition kills the album. "Invisible Kid" was ok, until that "Oooooo what a good boy you are" part, and again, no way that song needed to be 8 minutes long. I quite like "All Within My Hands" to be honest, minus the KILL KILL KILL KILL parts. The drums never bothered me that much actually.