After a good couple of listenes to DM, this is what I think.
Cover - Shitty, exept for bringing back the old font.
Production _ Actually I know nothing about production, to me it sounds like it's supposed to sound, I like things raw and Slayer-like.
Layout - they defenatly did a layout true to their old albums, which is cool, 3 songs, balad, 2 songs, balad, song, Instrumental, song.
Songs - I really dont like Unforgiven 3, it's like the third Termanator movie, you just which they never made it.
The instrumental is a far cry from "Orion" or "Call of Ktulu" and sounds a bit uncreative, even foced.
Some of the songs feel to long towards the end, especially "The day that never comes"
To me it's better than Load and Reload, certainly better than St Anger (I dont know why you would give that another listen)but not better than the black album.